Developping Kit and resources gathered while reverse engineering the chinese HFS-P3 radiation dosimeter pen.
- control the OLED over bit-banged I2C
- blink LEDs
- use buttons GPIO inputs
- control Buzzer (clicks and beeps)
- use interrupts
- enable/disable HV multiplier for GM tube
- measure counts from GM Tube
- sample battery voltage
- sample internal temperature
👇 Eeach section can be expanded 👇
1. Device Pictures
External Photos | ![]() |
![]() |
Internal Photos | ![]() |
![]() |
- Some of the pictures are extracted from, so credits to Simomax who thurughly documented this.
2. Device Specs
Component | Specification |
MCU | FM33LC043N - Arm Cortex M0 |
GM Tube | HH614 |
Screen | 128x32 / 14 pin SSD1316 OLED |
Battery | 150 mAh |
Ports | USB-C power only |
Debug interface | SWD |
Buttons | #1 Menu/Down #2 Power |
LEDs | LED1 Green LED2 Red |
Other | #1 Buzzer |
3. Board Schematic
EasyEDA Pro Project of the Schematic
PDF Schematic
Ignore components values since they are not measured/correct.
4. MCU Specs & GPIOs
Check datasheet here.
The FM33LC043N is a low power 64MHz Arm Cortex M0 MCU with 256KB Flash and 24KB of SRAM in a QFN32 form. It has 32 pins with 28 GPIOs, (of which 1xSWD, 2xSPIs and 4/2 UART/LPUART interfaces, 9x12bit SAR-ADC channels) and an internal temperature sensor. It lacks USB support and I2C so the latter needs to be bit-banged (as it will be required for oled driver communication).
Specs Summary:
FM33LC0x3N CPU Cortex-M0 Max Freq. 64MHz Flash 256KB RAM 24KB AES 1 RNG 1 Timer 1 ATIM 1 GTIM 2 BSTIM32 1 LPTIM32 1 systick 1 RTC/WWDT/IWD T 1/1/1 SPI 2 I2C - UART 4 LPUART - USB1.1 FS - GPIO 28 OPA 2 12bit SAR-ADC 9ch TempSensor 1 -
HFS-P3 Pinout:
On the HFS-P3 board the MCU has the following GPIOs connections:
Pin# GPIO Function Config 1 PD8 SWD SWDIO 2 NRST Global Reset 3 PA13 OLED Reset output, internal pull-up 4 PA14 HV PSU? output, internal pull-down 5 PA15 NC 6 PA8 GM pulse input, external pull-up 7 PA9 NC 8 PA10 NC 9 PB2 PWR button (WKUP2) WKUP2, internal pull-up, falling edge 10 PB3 PWR Enable output, internal pull-down 11 PB8 USB sense input, internal pull-down 12 PB9 NC 13 PB10 NC 14 PB11 BUZZER output, internal pull-down 15 PB13 NC ... ... NC 20 PC5 NC 21 PC8 BATT voltage input, ADC_IN9 22 PC9 NC 23 PC10 MENU button input, internal pull-up 24 PD9 LED1(red) output, internal pull-down 25 PD10 LED2(green) output, interanl pull-down 26 VDD15 LDO output 27 VSS Ground 28 VDD Source 29 PD11 RCC_FOUT0 (clock frequency output) 30 PD0 OLED SDA output, open drain, external pull-up 31 PD1 OLED SCL output, open drain, external pull-up 32 PD7 SWD SWCLK
5. Links & Resources
Item | Description | URL |
MFANG Tool - Fudan Micro Online Platform | Online GUI Platform to build MDK-ARM Keil uVision Base Projects (Clock setup, GPIOs, Debug interface) | |
FM33LC0XXN DevBoard User Manual | Blog Post With step by step instructions on chip schematic, capailites and developpment environment setup including MFANG base project generation, Arm Keil MDK uVison setup and Project Examples. | |
Fudan Micro Developpers Official Forum | Example Projects and different coding/developpment issues | |
Radmon Forum | Forum where I first found thurough documentation about this device. The thread eventually stalled due to SWD connection issues, that luckily I figured | |
Click to Expand
Note: SWD will not work if battery is desoldered. Connecting the 3.3v line to the +V input on the board will make it enter debug mode again.
I used a chinese ST-Link V2 clone with the firmware modified to work with J-Link Commander. This was really messy* so my recommandation is to use a proper Segger JLink debug probe.
With an original J-Link debug probe you might be able to use any version of J-Link Commander. For my clone, only a couple of versions seemed to have worked (v6.18c, v6.12).
*You need SEGGER STLinkReflash Utility to flash J-Link firmware
in place of STLink
(same app will be able to restore it if ever needed). If the debugger is a chinese clone you might have to use a patched version of the reflash utility instead to bypass the error of the unsupported device.
âť— Once J-Link is installed make sure to add the Fudan Micro memory maps according to readme
- Connect the debug probe to the board
- Plug the USB inside the PC (currently only Windows 10/11 tested)
- Run
J-Link Commander
as Administrator - Type
-> chooseFM33LC04X
(see here if FMSH is not in list) -> typeS
for SWD -> enter for default4000KHz
speed. If any error at this point runconnect
again and agin until the debug probe succesfully halts the cpu and establishes a connection (see below).
To dump the flash use the savebin
savebin <filename>, <addr>, <NumBytes> (hex)
savebin C:\path\where\to\dump.bin, 0x0, 40000
is the start address, 40000
is the number of bytes (in hex) to dump (according to datasheet that is the size of the flash), in this case 40000 hex = 262144 Bytes
You can either use J-Link commander or Keil uVision MDK-ARM. The latter will be described later.
To Download a binary to flash with J-Link Commander use the loadbin
loadbin <filename>, <addr>
loadbin C:\path\of\the\file_to_flash.bin, 0x0
Click to Expand
- Download and Install the MDK-ARM software
- Open project:
- Make sure compiler is selected in project options
->Options for Target ...
, underTarget
tab: - Make sure
is selected as debugger inDebug
tab. - Compile using upper left
icon - Upload/Download to Flash using upper left
[!NOTE] Sometimes, in my case, I had to start
J-Link Commander
, establish a connection with it and only then Keil uVision would detect the MCU.
[!IMPORTANT] These are my current Keil v5 debug settings. Note that Keil uses
J-Link v7.54
here (actually a patched version ofv7.54
that removes the blacklist on chinese clones). Using thev6.12
version of JLink in Keil resulted in some errors and inconsistancies. I ended up using the patchedv7.54
inside the installation path of Keil[..]/Keil_v5/ARM/Segger
To make Keil communicate with the device I still had to establish a succesfull connection using JLink Commander v6.12
. Once that's connected, Keil with v7.54
will work and flashing from it or debugging will work.
As you can see, using a chinese clone with software that fights piracy and hardware clones is quite a nightmare.