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Dockerized Laravel & Vue.js TODO application

Docker running Nginx, PHP, Composer and MySQL.


  1. Install prerequisites

    Before installing project make sure the following prerequisites have been met.

  2. Clone the project

    We’ll download the code from its repository on GitHub.

  3. Setup the application

    By this point we’ll have all the project pieces in place.

  4. Start/stop the application

  5. Useful commands

Install prerequisites

For now, this project has been mainly created for Unix (Linux/MacOS). Perhaps it could work on Windows.

All requisites should be available for your distribution. The most important are :

Check if docker-compose is already installed by entering the following command :

which docker-compose

Check Docker Compose compatibility :

The following is optional but makes life more enjoyable :

which make

Clone the project

To install Git, download it and install following the instructions :

git clone

Go to the project directory :

cd spa-laravel5-vue2-todo

Setup the application

  1. Run this magic command

    make setup
  2. Migrate database

    make setup-database

Start the application

Start the application using docker

make docker-start

Application is ready on localhost 8003 port.


Stop the application

Stop the application using docker

make docker-stop

Useful commands

PHPUnit test

make phpunit

List artisan commands :

make artisan

Start artisan tinker :

make tinker

Connecting MySQL

port:     33063
database: todo
username: who
password: what

Developed by @patel_ian