sentiment analysis done using LSTM layers
Python- 3.7
Torch - 1.0.0
numpy -1.16.4
sklearn - 0.21.3
nltk - 3.4.4
pandas - 0.25.0
- data.csv - Contains the dataset having the sentence and its sentiment label.
- - This file will clean the dataset by removing the stopwords, punctuations and converting the format to UTF-8
- - This file contains the main code that needs to be run to predict the sentiment.
- - This file contains the training, testing and Lstm model required for the sentiment analysis.
Note:- Text cleaner file is made as a separate file for re-usability and saving time to avoid running the text cleaning process for each and every time file is run.
Once you clone this repo, run the file to do the sentiment analysis and to train the model.
Evalution metric used here is the accuracy.