My backup helper program. (Load Configurations then compress using 7za)
It has been tested on Ubuntu 17.04 and Mac OS X.
There have two ways to build and install it.
The first way is to use cmake and make only:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
The second way is to use bash scripts:
./ # check dependencies, install packages follow its output
./ # build it by CMake
sudo ./ # install it to /usr/local/bin/backup-helper
- Create configuration file in any one of :
- Make backup rules refer to:
- JSON schema file:
- Example files:
- JSON schema file:
- Backup by executing
backup-helper $CONFIG_NAME ...
. - More help by executing
backup-helper --help
"// this is a valid comment": "comment",
"target_dir": [
"// you can also write comments like this line",
"configurations": {
"config_name": {
"// invoke 7z with sudo when sudo option is true": "comment",
"sudo": false,
"// set this option if your backup target archived file need encrypted": "comment",
"// you need input password before program create archived file": "comment",
"// and its sha1sum should be same with the value of this option": "comment",
"password_sha1": "sha1sum. you can get it from command `backup-helper sha1sum`",
"prefix": "prefix of backup file name",
"type": "type of backup file, for example: tar, 7z, zip",
"// compression level is from 0 to 9. greater level, smaller filesize of archived file.": "comment",
"// default value is auto decided by 7z": "comment",
"compression_level": 0,
"description": "you can write description in here",
"files": [
"$HOME/Videos", "// System variables could be embedded into"
"// ... more directories"
"exclude": [ "backup_dir1/pornhub", "// ..." ],
"exclude_recursive": [ "CMakeFiles", "*.avi", "// ..." ],
"config_name2": {
"// ...": "comment"
- vog/sha1 for sha1 encoding
- vivkin/gason for parsering JSON [MIT]
- agauniyal/rang for displaying colored text in terminal