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Gonzalo Andres VR edited this page Dec 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the simpletooltip wiki!

The primary idea of this code, is make a simple javascript tooltip that can be used in any browser regardless the version of the browser that you're using. For that reason, this code was made only with vanilla javascript to avoid the conflict with libraries like jQuery mootools and others.

How to use it

You have to make sure to do three things.

  1. Import the javascript library of simpletooltip.js and the css style.css
  2. Create a function to initialize the javascript objects. I recommend to call it: initToolTip()
  3. Charge the function in the onload of the body element in the page: "onload="initToolTip()"

...of course, you need to create a html inputs for use the tooltip.

You can see an example in the html page that comes with the library "example.html" :)

How works

The library creates two containers divs to the input. One for create the tooltip, and another one for contain the input and the tooltip.

Feel free to modify this code and make it better, i'll be happy to see the improvements that you can make and apply them in the main code of the repository.


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