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OpenAPI validation for Symfony application tests

This package can validate requests made in application tests, based of Symfony's WebTestCase, against OpenAPI specifications. This is done by converting HttpFoundation objects using the PSR-7 Bridge and passing them to the OpenAPI PSR-7 Message Validator.


composer require --dev gertjuhh/symfony-openapi-validator


  • Add the OpenApiValidator trait to your WebTestCase
  • Create a client by calling self::createClient()
    • Alternatively use your own custom logic creating an instance of KernelBrowser
  • Execute the request you wish to validate using the client
  • Call self::assertOpenApiSchema(<schema>, <client>);
    • schema: path to corresponding OpenAPI yaml schema
    • client: the client used to make the request
  • Or optionally use the self::assertResponseAgainstOpenApiSchema(<schema>, <client>); to only validate the response
    • The operationAddress can be passed as a third argument for this function but by default it will retrieve the operation from the client.

Setting up a cache

The underlying library can use a PSR-6 cache. This provides a significant speedup when running multiple tests against a single schema, since it can be parsed once and reused.

In order to activate this cache, you can pass a PSR-6 cache instance to the static property \Gertjuhh\SymfonyOpenapiValidator\StaticOpenApiValidatorCache::$validatorCache. For example:


use Gertjuhh\SymfonyOpenapiValidator\StaticOpenApiValidatorCache;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;

StaticOpenApiValidatorCache::$validatorCache = new ArrayAdapter(storeSerialized: false);

Setting storeSerialized to false on the ArrayAdapter instance is recommended as it lowers memory usage by storing the actual objects; otherwise, Symfony will store a serialized representation of the OpenAPI schema and deserialize it on every test run.

This snippet can be embedded in a bootstrap script for PHPUnit.



namespace App\ApplicationTests;

use Gertjuhh\SymfonyOpenapiValidator\OpenApiValidator;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

final class HelloWorldTest extends WebTestCase
    use OpenApiValidator;

    public function testHelloWorldReturnsSuccessfulResponse(): void
        $client = self::createClient();

        $client->xmlHttpRequest('GET', '/hello-world');

        self::assertOpenApiSchema('public/openapi.yaml', $client);