Trying to build very basic of the user faced Spotify kind of clone.
Not enrich with too many stuff, just basic feature that are needed to build an app.
- User Authentication
- Music player where user can loop and repeat
- Also, create new Playlist
- NextJS (React Framework to build Monolith Application)
- TypeScript (Better than JS)
- ChakraUI (A framework used to style and structure the Pages)
- Prisma (Used to build schema and automated SQL queries)
- PostgreeSQL with Reactive (just a Postgree SQL deployed in Reactive)
- ESLint (Minimal config to find errors in the code)
- Prettier (if you have a choice, make it pretty)
First, clone this repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
Change Directories
cd tsingz-app
Install Dependencies
npm install
After installing the dependencies, run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.