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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • System Requirements
    • Hardware Requirements
    • Recommended Operating Systems
    • Software Requirements
    • Useful Software
  • Preparation
    • Workstation Preparation (Linux)
    • Workstation Preparation (macOS)
  • Installation And Configuration
    • Flame 2025 Installation
    • Post Flame 2025 Installation
    • Configure Flame Preferences
    • LOGIK-PROJEKT Installation
    • Running LOGIK-PROJEKT
    • Troubleshooting Permissions and Python
    • Application Tree
    • Disclaimer


LOGIK-PROJEKT is a toolset for the creation & lifecycle management of projekts for Autodesk Flame 2025 and newer.

The tools were developed with Autodesk Flame 2025+, Python 3.11, & PySide 6.

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

  • Linux or macOS workstation, capable of running Autodesk Flame 2025+

Recommended Operating Systems

Software Requirements

Useful Software:


Workstation Preparation (Linux):

# Check Static HostName (equivalent to macOS HostName)
hostnamectl status | grep "Static hostname"

# Check Transient HostName (equivalent to macOS LocalHostName)
hostnamectl status | grep "Transient hostname"

# Check Pretty HostName (equivalent to macOS ComputerName)
hostnamectl status | grep "Pretty hostname"

# Set the Static HostName (equivalent to macOS HostName)
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <new-static-hostname>

# Set the Transient HostName (equivalent to macOS LocalHostName)
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <new-transient-hostname> --transient

# Set Pretty HostName (equivalent to macOS ComputerName)
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "<new-pretty-hostname>" --pretty

# Create a test directory for LOGIK-PROJEKTS:
sudo mkdir -p -m 777 /home/shared/PROJEKTS

# Link /PROJEKTS to test PROJEKTS directory:
sudo ln -s /home/shared/PROJEKTS /PROJEKTS

# Reboot workstation: (optional)
sudo reboot

# unlink /PROJEKTS before linking to alternative PROJEKTS directory:
sudo unlink /PROJEKTS

# Link /PROJEKTS to alternative PROJEKTS directory: (examples)
sudo ln -s /Volumes/My_Lucid_Link_Drive/PROJEKTS /PROJEKTS
sudo ln -s /Volumes/Client_Lucid_Link_Drive/PROJEKTS /PROJEKTS

Workstation Preparation (macOS):

# Check HostName (equivalent to Linux Static hostname)
scutil --get HostName

# Check LocalHostName (equivalent to Linux Transient HostName)
scutil --get LocalHostName

# Check ComputerName (equivalent to Linux Pretty HostName)
scutil --get ComputerName

# Set the HostName (equivalent to Linux Static hostname)
sudo scutil --set HostName <new-hostname>

# Set LocalHostName (equivalent to Linux Transient HostName)
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName <new-local-hostname>

# Set ComputerName (equivalent to Linux Pretty HostName)
sudo scutil --set ComputerName <new-computer-name>

# Create a test directory for LOGIK-PROJEKTS:
sudo mkdir -p -m 777 /Users/Shared/PROJEKTS

# Create /etc/synthetic.conf to link /PROJEKTS to test PROJEKTS directory:
echo "PROJEKTS	System/Volumes/Data/Users/Shared/PROJEKTS" | sudo tee /etc/synthetic.conf

(The whitespace between PROJEKTS and the path MUST BE A TAB, NOT WHITESPACE)

# Reboot workstation: (required)
sudo reboot

Installation And Configuration

Flame 2025 Installation:

# (Linux)

# upgrade operating system
# install DKU
# install flame 2025
# create a stone called 'stonefs'

# (macOS)

# upgrade operating system
# install flame 2025
# create a stone called 'stonefs'

Post Flame 2025 Installation:

# (Linux)

# start flame 
# license the application
# create a test project

# (macOS)

# start flame 
# license the application
# create a test project

# You may need to enable these applications in:
# System Preferences | Privacy & Security | Full Disk Access

# DLmpd
# Flame
# ifffsWiretapServer
# Python3.11
# swdb
# sw_dbd
# sw_serverd
# Terminal
# Visual StudioCode
# wiretapgateway 

Configure Flame Preferences:

User Tokens tab
    ├── set User Name
    └── set User Nickname

Timeline tab
    ├── set Default Shot Name to:
    └── <name>_<background segment###>0

Batch/BFX Tab
    ├── set Default batch iteration name to
    └── <batch name>_v<iteration####>_<workstation>_<user nickname>

Media Panel Tab
    ├── set Batch shelf to 1
    ├── set Reel Group to 2
    ├── set Show Batch iterations (first column) 
    └── set Desktop Column: Set to “Copy From/To Batch”

LOGIK-PROJEKT Installation:

# Download or fork the release version of the LOGIK-PROJEKT repository
# from:
# to:   /path/to/your/home/workspace/GitHub/

mkdir -p -m 775 ~/workspace/GitHub/
cd ~/workspace/GitHub/
git clone

# Change to the LOGIK-PROJEKT directory
cd ~/workspace/GitHub/LOGIK-PROJEKT

# Establish the path to the current Autodesk Flame Python installation

# Create Desktop Applications for LOGIK-PROJEKT


# On Linux, look in the Activities menu for LOGIK-PROJEKT.
# Add the desktop launcher to your favorites.
# Double click the desktop launcher to run LOGIK-PROJEKT.

# On macOS, look in the LOGIK-PROJEKT folder for the
# Add the to your dock.
# Double click the to run LOGIK-PROJEKT.

Troubleshooting Permissions and Python:

# There may be permission errors on your PROJEKTS directory.
# Check that the permissions on your PROJEKTS directory are 777.

# Errors have been seen on Rocky Linux 8.7 and macOS 13 related to python:
# On Rocky Linux 8.7 errors have been seen related to python3.6.
# On macOS 13 errors have been seen related to python3.9.

# Possible Solutions:

1. Install the Desired Python Version:
- First, ensure you have the desired Python version installed.
- For example, to install Python 3.11:
    sudo dnf install python3.11

2. Configure Alternatives:
- Add the new Python version to the alternatives system:
    sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.6 1
    sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 2

3. Select the Default Python Version:
- Use the `alternatives` command to choose the default Python version:
    sudo alternatives --config python3
    You will see a list of installed Python versions.
    Select the number corresponding to Python 3.11.

4. Verify the Change:
- Check the Python version to ensure the switch was successful:
    python3 --version

Application Tree

├── docs/                                      # Documentation
├── install/                                   # Installation scripts
│   │                                          
│   └── logs/                                  # Installation logs
├── modules/                                   # Python modules
│   │                                          
│   ├── functions/                             # Python Functions
│   │   │                                      
│   │   ├── backup/                            # Backup functions
│   │   ├── create/                            # Create functions
│   │   ├── export/                            # Export functions
│   │   ├── get/                               # Get functions
│   │   ├── link/                              # Link functions
│   │   ├── run/                               # Run functions
│   │   ├── scratch/                           # Scratch functions
│   │   ├── shell/                             # Shell functions
│   │   ├── string/                            # String functions
│   │   ├── synchronize/                       # Synchronize functions
│   │   ├── update/                            # Update functions
│   │   └── wiretap/                           # Wiretap functions
│   │                                          
│   ├── version/                               # Scripts Version
│   |                                          
│   └── widgets/                               # Widgets
│       │                                      
│       ├── combo_box/                         # Combo box widgets
│       ├── layout/                            # Layout widgets
│       ├── line_edit/                         # Line edit widgets
│       └── style_sheet/                       # Style sheet widgets
└── resources/                                 # Resources
    ├── cfg/                                   # Configuration files
    │   │                                      
    │   ├── nuke/                              # Foundry Nuke configuration
    │   │                                      
    │   └── projekt_configuration/             # Projekt configuration
    │       │                                  
    │       ├── bookmarks/                     # Bookmarks
    │       ├── parameters/                    # Parameters
    │       ├── roots/                         # Roots
    │       └── tree/                          # Tree
    ├── docstrings/                            # Docstrings
    ├── flame/                                 # Flame Resources
    │   │                                      
    │   ├── opencolorio/                       # OpenColorIO
    │   |   │                                  
    │   │   └── ocio_scripts/                  # OCIO scripts
    │   │                                      
    │   ├── presets/                           # Flame Presets
    │   │   |                                  
    │   │   ├── batch/                         # Batch presets
    │   │   ├── bookmarks/                     # Bookmark presets
    │   │   ├── burn_metadata/                 # Burn metadata presets
    │   │   ├── cfg/                           # Configuration presets
    │   │   ├── export/                        # Export presets
    │   │   ├── import/                        # Import presets
    │   │   ├── mediahub/                      # Mediahub presets
    │   │   ├── media_import/                  # Media import presets
    │   │   ├── mediaImport/                   # MediaImport presets
    │   │   ├── overlays/                      # Overlays presets
    │   │   └── status/                        # Status presets
    │   │                                      
    │   ├── python/                            # Flame Python
    │   │   |                                  
    │   │   └── logik_projekt/                 # Logik Projekt Python
    │   │       │                              
    │   │       ├── openclip_tools/            # OpenClip tools
    │   │       │                              
    │   │       └── projekt_tools/             # Projekt tools
    │   │                                      
    │   ├── Syncolor/                          # Syncolor Presets
    │   │   |                                  
    │   │   └── Shared/                        # Shared presets
    │   │       |                              
    │   │       ├── policies/                  # Syncolor policies
    │   │       |                              
    │   │       └── transforms/                # Syncolor transforms
    │   │           |                          
    │   │           └── flame_colortoolkit/    # Flame ColorToolkit
    │   │                                      
    │   └── templates/                         # Flame Templates
    ├── icons/                                 # Application icons
    ├── tmp/                                   # Temporary files
    ├── utilities/                             # Application utilities
    │   │                                      
    │   └── flame_configs/                     # Flame configurations
    │       |                                  
    │       └── init_config/                   # Init configuration
    ├── version/                               # Application version
    └── www/                                   # HTML files


This file is part of LOGIK-PROJEKT.
Copyright © 2024 man-made-mekanyzms

LOGIK-PROJEKT creates directories, files, scripts & tools for use with 
Autodesk Flame and other software.

LOGIK-PROJEKT is free software.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the 
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program.

If not, see <>.
