一款ruia_ocr插件, 使用baidu-aip接口识别本地或远程图片
- python setup.py install
from ruia import Item
from ruia_ocr import (OcrField, BaiduOcrService, OcrSpider, OcrResponse,
app_id = 'xxxx'
api_key ='xxxx'
secret_key = 'xxxx'
img = ".\test.jpg"
img2 = ".\test2.png"
img3 = r'http://static.zongheng.com/upload/cover/07/f9/07f9c3d9899a7df6284c1d340d45ba8c.jpeg'
class OcrItem(Item):
title = OcrField(re_select=r'.*')
class MySpider(OcrSpider):
ocr_service = BaiduOcrService(app_id, api_key, secret_key)
# ocr_region:str x1,y1,x2,y2;...
# default: '' means the whole picture to ocr
# 1,1,0.5,0.5 means: cut from image 1,1, image.width * 0.5, image.height * 0.5
# 1,1,200,200 means: cut from image 1,1,200,200
# 1,1,0.5,0.5;0.5,0.5,0.99,0.99 means:
# cut from image 1,1,image.width * 0.5, image.height * 0.5 get image1
# cut from image image.width*0.5, image.height*0.5 ,image.width*0.99, image.height*0.99 get image2
# stitching image1 image2 by row get new image to ocr
ocr_region = '1,1,0.5,0.99'
start_urls = [img, img2, img3]
concurrency = 1
async def parse(self, response: OcrResponse):
item = await OcrItem.get_item(html=await response.text())
return item
use OcrRequest(url=image_source, sevice=ocr_service)
if __name__ == '__main__':