fitr is a GPX-file track analysis program with a command line interface written in rust.
This project is pretty much a work in progress. Features that are covered so far:
- show 2D representation of a GPS track (see screenshot) in the terminal
- calculate speed profile of GPS track points and plot it in the terminal
- show elevation, longitude, lattitude profiles (not yet configurable but need to change code manually)
The file used needs to be specified by the user as a command line argument (example file not packaged here).
There are currently three goals for this program
- make 2D representation of GPX tracks
- let it be "playable" and show progress bar as well as location indicator
- include all kinds of statistics: speed, elevation, distance etc. that are on-the-fly switchable for the user
After cloning the github project and its used library gpxalyzer into
the same directory a simple cargo run
should pull further dependencies and run the TUI.
First command line argument should be the gpx-data-path and -h
shows the usage message.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GPL v3 or any later version (GPL-3.0-or-later).
fitr Copyright (C) 2019 Fabian A.J. Thiele,