An IPC (Inter-Process Communication) bus for applications built for Node.js and/or Electron.js.
This bus offers an EventEmitter-like API for exchanging data between any processes (Node process/s, Electron Main and Electron Renderer process/s).
- Node to Node,
- Node to Electron (Master and Renderer processes + Frames),
- Electron to Node,
- Electron to Electron.
You can exchange a lot of different kinds of data and even transfer MessagePort/s between 2 renderers.
For Node processes support, you need to instanciate a "BusBroker" (Net socket server) in charge to commute messages to right listeners.
For Electron Main/Renderer processes, you need an additional broker : "BusBridge" in charge to commute messages between renderers WebPage and WebFrame, Master and Node.
You can have a pure Node bus, just using BusBroker (even working out of Electron) You can have a Electron Main/Renderer processes bus, just using BusBridge You can have a dual-mode supporting all kind of processes by creating BusBroker/BusBridge.
A WebPage is then able to dialog with a node process and vice-versa.
- EventEmitter oriented API
- Transfer MessagePort/s
- Works with Electron sandboxed renderer process
- Support for Electron renderer affinity (several webpages hosted in the same renderer process)
- Basic remote API calls/events and pending messages management with Services
- ContextIsolation not yet supported, in progress
- Support broadcast and peer2peer message
npm install electron-common-ipc
Pseuso code in...
Main Process
const ipcBusBridge = IpcBusBridge.Create();
ipcBusBridge.connect().then(() =>
const ipcBusClientElectronMain = IpcBusClient.Create();
Renderer Process (nodeIntegration = true) (WebFrame supported)
const ipcBusClientRenderer1 = IpcBusClient.Create();
Sandboxed Renderer Process (sandbox = true) (WebFrame supported)
- load ipcbus library in the preload file
const ipcBusClientRenderer2 = IpcBusClient.Create();
ipcBusClientElectronMain, ipcBusClientRenderer1 and ipcBusClientRenderer2 can exchange data.
Pseuso code in...
Main Process
- find a free port (using Socket port helpers for instance)
const ipcBusBroker = IpcBusBroker.Create();
ipcBusBroker.connect([free port]).then(() => {
const ipcBusClientNodeMain = IpcBusClient.Create();
ipcBusClientNodeMain.connect([free port]);
Child node process
- retrieve free port through commandline or environment variable
const ipcBusClientNodeChild = IpcBusClient.Create()
ipcBusClientNodeChild.connect([free port]);
ipcBusClientNodeMain and ipcBusClientNodeChild can exchange data.
Pseuso code in...
Main Process
ipBusBridge.connect([same port as the ipcBusBroker]);
ipcBusClientElectronMain, ipcBusClientRenderer1 and ipcBusClientRenderer2, ipcBusClientNodeMain and ipcBusClientNodeChild can exchange data.
If you are using the bus in a renderer process (page), you must take care of the context :
- sandbox
- nodeIntegration
- cross-frames
In order to have bus working in all contexts you can register the bus in the preload file of your BrowserWindow
const win = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
sandbox: true/false (both supported)
preload: 'preload-ipc.bundle.js',
contextIsolation: false
To be supported in Frames
const win = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
sandbox: true/false (both supported)
nodeIntegrationInSubFrames: true,
preload: 'preload-ipc.bundle.js'
const electronCommonIPC = require('electron-common-ipc/lib/electron-common-ipc-preload');
You have to bundle your file :
browserify -o ./preload-ipc.bundle.js -x electron ./preload-ipc.js
Use Browserify >= 16.5.0 for having full support of EventEmitter.
// Load modules
const ipcBusModule = require("electron-ipc-bus");
const electronApp = require('electron').app;
// Configuration
const ipcBusPath = 50494;
// const ipcBusPath = '/myfavorite/path';
// Startup
electronApp.on('ready', function () {
// Create broker if you want to interact with NodeJS process
const ipcBusBroker = ipcBusModule.IpcBusBroker.Create();
// Start broker
.then((msg) => {
console.log('IpcBusBroker started');
// Create bridge
const ipcBusBridge = ipcBusModule.IpcBusBridge.Create();
// Connect using a busPath if you want to interact with NodeJS process
.then((msg) => {
console.log('IpcBusBridge started');
// Create clients
const ipcBusClient1 = ipcBusModule.IpcBusClient.Create();
const ipcBusClient2 = ipcBusModule.IpcBusClient.Create();
Promise.all([ipcBusClient1.connect({ peerName: 'client1' }), ipcBusClient2.connect({ peerName: 'client2' })])
.then((msg) => {
// Chatting on channel 'greeting'
ipcBusClient1.addListener('greeting', (ipcBusEvent, greetingMsg) => {
// This is a request, we have to reply immediatly using request.resolve or request.reject
if (ipcBusEvent.request) {
ipcBusEvent.request.resolve(`thanks to you, dear #${}`);
// Else we reply using a contractual channel
else {
ipcBusClient1.send('greeting-reply', `${}: thanks to all listeners`)
console.log( + ' received ' + + ': ' + greetingMsg);
ipcBusClient2.addListener('greeting', (ipcBusEvent, greetingMsg) => {
if (ipcBusEvent.request) {
ipcBusEvent.request.resolve(`thanks to you, dear #${}`);
else {
ipcBusClient2.send('greeting-reply', `${}: thanks to all listeners`)
console.log( + ' received ' + + ': ' + greetingMsg);
ipcBusClient1.addListener('greeting-reply', (ipcBusEvent, greetingReplyMsg) => {
console.log( + ' received ' + + ': ' + greetingReplyMsg);
ipcBusClient2.send('greeting', 'hello everyone!');
// This call will fail, too short to answer on time !
ipcBusClient2.request('greeting', 0, 'hello partner, please answer immediatly')
.then((ipcBusRequestResponse) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify( + ' replied ' + ipcBusRequestResponse.payload);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Too late, I have no friend :-(');
ipcBusClient1.request('greeting', 1000, 'hello partner, please answer within 1sec!')
.then((ipcBusRequestResponse) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify( + ' replied within 1sec1 ' + ipcBusRequestResponse.payload);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('I have no friend :-(');
Some interfaces are sharing the same kind of options.
In order to be consistent in term of behavior and naming we have common interfaces for options.
export interface IpcTimeoutOptions {
timeoutDelay?: number;
timeoutDelay = number (milliseconds)
timeoutDelay [0 | undefined | null] : use a default timeout of 2000ms
timeoutDelay < 0 : an infinite waiting
timeoutDelay > 0 : wait for the expected time
A timeoutdelay below zero leads to an infinite waiting and may lead to memory leak as internals will not be freed if there is an issue.
export interface IpcSocketBufferingOptions {
socketBuffer?: number;
- socketBuffer [0 | undefined | null] : message is serialized in small pieces written immediatly to the socket
- socketBuffer < 0 : message is serialized in objects (number, string, buffer...), each object is written immediatly to the socket
- socketBuffer > 0 : message is serialized in objects, objects are written only in one shot when reaching a size of socketBuffer in bytes.
export interface IpcNetOptions {
port?: number;
host?: string;
path?: string;
useBridge?: boolean;
See NodeJS Net
- useBridge : the client will use the BusBrige to discuss with the socket server (BusBroker). It is more efficient to go to the bridge than connecting directly to the net server (BusBroker).
Dispatching of Node messages is managed by a broker. You can have only one single Broker for the whole application.
The broker can be instanciated in a node process or in the master process (not in renderer processes).
For performance purpose, it is better to instanciate the broker in an independent node process.
interface IpcBusBroker {
connect(options?: IpcBusBroker.StartOptions): Promise<string>;
close(): void;
queryState(): Object;
isServiceAvailable(serviceName: string): boolean;
const ipcBusModule = require("electron-common-ipc");
const ipcBusBroker = ipcBusModule.IpcBusBroker.Create([busPath]);
The require() call loads the module and IpcBusBroker.Create setups the broker with the busPath.
// Socket path
const ipcBusBroker = ipcBusModule.IpcBusBroker.Create();
// Socket path
.then(() => console.log('success'))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
// Port number
.then(() => console.log('success'))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
Starts the broker dispatcher. If failed (timeout or any other internal error), err contains the error message.
var queryState = ipcBusBroker.queryState()
Returns the list of pair <channel, peer> subscriptions. Format may change from one version to another. This information can be retrieved from an IpcBusClient through the channel : /electron-common-ipc/queryState
- serviceName: string
Test if a service is started. This information can be retrieved from an IpcBusClient through the channel : /electron-common-ipc/serviceAvailable
Dispatching of Renderer messages is managed by a bridge. You can have only one single bridge for the whole application. The bridge must be instanciated in the master process only. Without this bridge, Renderer and Node processes are not able to dialog.
interface IpcBusBridge {
connect(options?: IpcBusBridge.StartOptions): Promise<string>;
close(): void;
const ipcBusModule = require("electron-common-ipc");
const ipcBusBridge = ipcBusModule.IpcBusBridge.Create();
// Socket path
.then(() => console.log('success'))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
// Port number
.then(() => console.log('success'))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
Starts the bridge dispatcher. If failed (timeout or any other internal error), err contains the error message.
The IpcBusClient is an instance of the EventEmitter class.
When you register a callback to a specified channel. Each time a message is received on this channel, the callback is called. The callback must follow the IpcBusListener signature (see below).
interface IpcBusClient extends events.EventEmitter {
readonly peerName: string;
connect(options?: IpcBusClient.ConnectOptions): Promise<string>;
close(): void;
send(channel: string, ...args: any[]): void;
request(channel: string, timeoutDelay: number, ...args: any[]): Promise<IpcBusRequestResponse>;
// EventEmitter overriden API
addListener(channel: string, listener: IpcBusListener): this;
removeListener(channel: string, listener: IpcBusListener): this;
on(channel: string, listener: IpcBusListener): this;
once(channel: string, listener: IpcBusListener): this;
off(channel: string, listener: IpcBusListener): this;
// Added in Node 6...
prependListener(channel: string, listener: IpcBusListener): this;
prependOnceListener(channel: string, listener: IpcBusListener): this;
const ipcBusModule = require("electron-common-ipc");
const ipcBus = ipcBusModule.IpcBusClient.Create();
ipcBus.connect([net options]);
IpcBusClient.connect setups the client with the busPath that was used to connect the broker.
if use sandbox you have to preload code like this:
const electronCommonIPC = require('electron-common-ipc');
if (electronCommonIPC.PreloadElectronCommonIPC()) {
window.ipcBus = window.ElectronCommonIPC.CreateIpcBusClient();
if not, just type this code in your renderer process:
if (electronCommonIPC.PreloadElectronCommonIPC()) {
const ipcBus = window.ElectronCommonIPC.CreateIpcBusClient();
NOTE: There is no notion of port, buspath in a renderer. IpcBusRenderer connects automatically to the instance of the bridge.
For debugging purpose, each IpcBusClient is identified by a peer.
type IpcBusProcessType = 'main' | 'renderer' | 'renderer-frame' | 'node';
interface IpcBusProcess {
type: IpcBusProcessType;
pid: number;
rid?: number;
wcid?: number;
interface IpcBusPeer {
id: number;
name: string;
process: IpcBusProcess;
IpcBusPeer contains :
- an uniq read-only id
- the name of the peer, this name can be changed during the connection (IpcBusClient.connect)
- the process context of the peer.
IpcBusProcess contains :
- type : type of the context : 'main' | 'renderer' | 'renderer-frame' | 'node'
- pid : id of the process which hosts the the peer
- rid : client id of the renderer process where the peer is hosted (equivalent to the value of --renderer-client-id option in the commandline of the renderer process), only valid for a 'renderer' process
- wcid : webContents id of the peer, only valid for a 'renderer' process
For a 'renderer' process the pid depends on the version of Electron.
Electron < 1.7.1 : pid = wcid
Basic usage
ipcBus.connect().then((eventName) => console.log("Connected to Ipc bus !"))
Provide a timeout
ipcBus.connect({ timeoutDelay: 2000 }).then((eventName) => console.log("Connected to Ipc bus !"))
Provide a peer name
ipcBus.connect({ peerName: 'client2' }).then((eventName) => console.log("Connected to Ipc bus !"))
Provide all options
ipcBus.connect({ peerName: 'client2', timeoutDelay: 2000 }).then((eventName) => console.log("Connected to Ipc bus !"))
For a bus in a renderer, it fails if the Bridge is not started else it fails if the Broker is not started. Most of the functions below will fail if the connection is not established (you have to wait for the connect promise). A timeoutdelay below zero leads to an infinite waiting.
- channel: string
- listener: IpcBusListener
Listens to channel, when a new message arrives listener would be called with listener(event, args...).
NOTE: on, prependListener, once and prependOnceListener methods are supported as well
- channel: string
- listener: IpcBusListener
Removes the specified listener from the listeners array for the specified channel.
NOTE: off method is supported as well
channel: String (optional)
Removes all listeners, or those of the specified channel.
- event: IpcBusEvent
- ...args: any[]): void
The first parameter of the callback is always an event which contains the channel and the origin of the message (sender).
function HelloHandler(ipcBusEvent, content) {
console.log("Received '" + content + "' on channel '" + +"' from #" + ipcBusEvent.sender.peerName)
ipcBus.on("Hello!", HelloHandler)
- channel: string
- ...args: any[]
Sends a message asynchronously via channel, you can also send arbitrary arguments. Arguments will be serialized in JSON internally and hence no functions or prototype chain will be included.
ipcBus.send("Hello!", { name: "My age !"}, "is", 10)
- channel: string
- timeoutDelay = timeoutDelay: number (milliseconds)
- ...args: any[]
Sends a request message on specified channel. The returned Promise is settled when a result is available. The parameter timeoutDelay defines how much time we're waiting for the response. A timeoutdelay below zero leads to an infinite waiting.
The Promise provides an IpcBusRequestResponse object:
interface IpcBusRequestResponse {
event: IpcBusEvent;
payload?: Object | string;
err?: string;
ipcBus.request("compute", 0, "2*PI*9")
.then(ipcBusRequestResponse) {
console.log("channel = " + + ", response = " + ipcBusRequestResponse.payload + ", from = " + ipcBusRequestResponse.event.sender.peerName);
.catch(ipcBusRequestResponse) {
console.log("err = " + ipcBusRequestResponse.err);
With timeout
ipcBus.request("compute", 2000, "2*PI*9")
interface IpcBusEvent {
channel: string;
sender: IpcBusSender {
peerName: string;
request?: IpcBusRequest {
resolve(payload: Object | string): void;
reject(err: string): void;
The event object passed to the listener has the following properties:
channel delivering the message
peerName of the sender
If present, the message is a request. Listener can resolve the request by calling event.request.resolve() with the response or can reject the request by calling event.request.reject() with an error message.
The IpcBusService creates an IPC endpoint that can be requested via remote calls and send events.
interface IpcBusService {
start(): void;
stop(): void;
registerCallHandler(name: string, handler: IpcBusServiceCallHandler): void;
sendEvent(eventName: string, ...args: any[]): void;
Message sent to a service to execute a remote call.
interface IpcBusServiceCall {
handlerName: string;
args: any[];
Prototype of a method that will be executed to handle a service's call.
interface IpcBusServiceCallHandler {
(call: IpcBusServiceCall, request: IpcBusRequest): void;
const ipcBusModule = require("electron-common-ipc");
// ipcBusClient is a connected instance of IpcBusClient
const ipcMyService = ipcBusModule.IpcBusService.Create(ipcBusClient, 'myService');
const ipcBusModule = require("electron-common-ipc");
const myOuterServiceInstance = {};
myOuterServiceInstance.test = () => { return 'This is a test'; };
// ipcBusClient is a connected instance of IpcBusClient
const ipcMyService = ipcBusModule.IpcBusService.Create(ipcBusClient, 'myService', myOuterServiceInstance);
NOTE : This constructor will automatically register all methods of myOuterServiceImpl as call handlers using registerCallHandler().
This makes the service to listen and serve incoming remote calls. The service also sends the IPCBUS_SERVICE_EVENT_START event. NOTE : If an outerrouter service's instance has been specified at construction time, connect() will overload its This method will overload
This makes the service to stop listen and serve incoming remote calls. The service also sends the IPCBUS_SERVICE_EVENT_STOP event.
- name: string
- handler: IpcBusServiceCallHandler This sets the function that will be executed to serve the specified remote call. As this is run in the context of a promise, the function must call either request.resolve() or request.reject() to fulfill the promise.
ipcMyService.registerCallHandler('getCurrentTime', (event, call) => {
if (event.request) {
try { {
request.resolve(new Date().getTime());
} catch(e) {
- name: string
- args: any[] This sends a service event message.
ipcMyService.sendEvent('timeChanged', new Date().getTime());
The IpcBusServiceProxy creates an IPC endpoint that can be used to execute calls on a service and listen its events.
interface IpcBusServiceProxy extends events.EventEmitter {
readonly isStarted: boolean;
getStatus(): Promise<ServiceStatus>;
call<T>(handlerName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<T>;
getWrapper<T>(): T;
connect<T>(timeoutDelay?: number): Promise<T>
close(): Promise<void>;
Message sent to a service's proxy to trigger the code associated to this event.
interface IpcBusServiceEvent {
eventName: string;
args: any[];
Prototype of a method that will be executed to handle a service's call.
interface IpcBusServiceEventHandler {
(event: IpcBusServiceEvent): void;
const ipcBusModule = require("electron-common-ipc");
// ipcBusClient is a connected instance of IpcBusClient
const ipcMyServiceProxy = ipcBusModule.IpcBusServiceProxy.Create(ipcBusClient, 'myService', 2000); // 2000 ms for call timeout (default is 1000 ms)
Availability of the associated service (available means that the service is started).
This asynchronously requests the service availability to the Broker.
(availability) => console.log(`MyService availability = ${availability}`),
(err) => console.log(`Failed to get MyService availability (${err})`));
- handlerName: string
- timeout: number
- args: any[] This sends a service event message.'getCurrentTime')
(currentTime) => console.log(`Current Time = ${currentTime}`),
(err) => console.log(`Failed to get current time : ${err}`));
This allow to handle events emitted by remote RPC service. Please refers to the EventEmitter class documentation for more information.
- addListener(event: string, listener: IpcBusServiceEventHandler): this;
- removeListener(event: string, listener: IpcBusServiceEventHandler): this;
- on(event: string, listener: IpcBusServiceEventHandler): this;
- once(event: string, listener: IpcBusServiceEventHandler): this;
- off(event: string, listener: IpcBusServiceEventHandler): this;
- removeAllListeners(event?: string): this;
- prependListener(event: string, listener: IpcBusServiceEventHandler): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: IpcBusServiceEventHandler): this;
The wrapper implements EventEmitter as well. If the interface of the service emits an event it will be receiced by the wrapper of the proxy.
The test-app folder contains all sources of the testing application.
NOTE: This folder is not packaged by NPM.
To build the application:
cd examples
cd test-app
npm install
npm run build
To run the application:
npm run connect
To run the application in sandboxed mode:
npm run connect-sandboxed
- Support several brokers each with its own buspath in order to distribute the traffic load.
- Add an optional spy for debugging purpose
Copyright (c) 2022 Emmanuel Kimmerlin
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.