RPG Random BOT/ Dice Roller is Discord Bot for rolling dice.
pip to install discord.py.
pip install discord numpy matplotlib pandas
In config.json put your discord bot token in
"token": "Your_Bot_Token_Or_Ask_Me_For_It",
"prefix": "!",
"min": 1,
"role" : "The_Role_Optionnal_if_you_have_admin_permission"
You can also modify the min and the prefix of le bot
Or go in release tab and download .exe
And add it to your server :
Create a Discord Bot and invite it on your server.
Put your APPLICATION ID in this link in order to invite the bot to your Discord.
When the Bot joins your server, you can use the following commands:
!help to see commands
!r [number of sides] # example: !r 20 it's beween 0 and 20
!!!!!!!!!!!!!HIDDEN COMMANDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
!cheat [NAME] min max # This command creates piped dice for the user
!clear_cheat [NAME] | !cc [NAME] #Clear the cheating dictionnary of the user
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Translator are welcome!
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Special thanks to Saprinox