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Repository files navigation website

This is the source code to the website.


The easiest way to set up the site is through Docker. You should be able to just run docker/dev-up and everything should set itself up for you. To remove the containers again, run docker/dev-rm. To run a Django command inside the container, use docker/dev-manage.

For a local setup, create a Python 3 virtualenv for the project and run pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy drawpile/local_settings.sample to drawpile/ and edit to suit your environment.

Run ./ migrate to initialize the database.

Run ./ to populate the database with the basic content.

Run './ dpauth' to generate a keypair for external authentication. Copy&paste the output into your file.

You should now have a local copy of the website, ready for development!

If you want to modify the JavaScript files, you need node.js. To set things up, run npm install. To build and bundle the scripts, run npm run build:all.


Install gunicorn in the virtualenv:

`pip install gunicorn`

See the file website.service for a sample systemd unit file for running gunicorn.

Configure nginx to proxy the site:

server {
	... server configuration ...

	location / {
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
		proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
		proxy_redirect off;

	# Static files
	location /media {
		alias /home/website/website/allstatic;

	# Release archive
	location /files {
		alias /home/webfiles/www;
		access_log /var/log/nginx/files_access.log;
		autoindex on;

See also:

Finally, remember to run ./ collectstatic to gather all static files in one place.

Django apps

This project is made up of the following custom Django apps.


This app contains the external authentication/single sign on implementation. Other than the external deps listed below, it is completely self contained and is custom user model aware, so it can be easily used in other projects with no modification.

The management command dpauth will generate a random public and private keypair for signing login tokens. See also dpauth/ for adjustable settings.

This app has the following external dependencies:

  • Django Rest Framework
  • Ed25519
  • Confusable_homoglyphs


User account related stuff. Login, signup and profile editing views.


This app contains utilities for creating (mostly) static pages using Django templates.

The following things are stored in database:

  • Images: uploadable images for which thumbnails can be generated.
  • Template variables: Fetch key/value pairs from the database

Management commands are provided to help manage uploaded images and templatevars.


This is a very simple blog engine used for the news page.

A management command for importing and exporting posts is included.

Django permissions

The following Django permissions are used outside the admin site:

  • dpauth.moderator - global Drawpile moderator


The source code is licensed under the MIT license. The static website page content (article text and illustrations) is licensed Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0