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SimonaRighini committed Feb 1, 2018
1 parent feb6573 commit f353665
Showing 1 changed file with 147 additions and 0 deletions.
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
; CHISQ (General IDL Library 01) JUNE,1984
; Statistics
; To evaluate reduced chi-squared for a fit to data.
; Y (REQ) (I) (1) (F D)
; Required input vector containing the measured data.
; WEIGHT (REQ) (I/O) (1) (F D)
; Required input vector containing the data point weights:
; for instrumental uncertainties use WEIGHT=1/sigmay^2,
; for statistical uncertaintities use WEIGHT=1/Y,
; if WEIGHT=1 then value returned = variance of fit,
; see BEVINGTON for further information.
; YFIT (REQ) (I) (1) (F D)
; Required input vector containing the calculated data based
; on some model or least squares fitting.
; NFREE (REQ) (I) (0) (I L F D)
; Required input scalar containing the number of degrees of
; freedom. This is equal to:
; number of data points - degree of polynomial - 1
; CHISQ (REQ) (O) (0) (F D)
; Required ouput scalar giving the reduced chi-squared statistic.
; To compute the chi-squared statistic for observed data YDATA and
; computed data YFIT, with uniform data weighting,
; weight = 0 * ydata + 1.
; chisq,ydata,weight,yfit,nfree,chisq
; To compute the reduced chi-squared statistic for observed data Y and
; computed data YF, where the weight = abs(1./y), Y has 100 points, YF
; is a third degree polynomial [i.e., yf = a(0) + a(1) * x + a(2) * x^2 +
; a(3) * x^3}:
; chisq,y,abs(1./y),yf,n_elements(y)-3-1,chisq
; none
; none
; none
; The procedure computes total(weight(y-yfit)^2)/nfree
; (See Bevington [1969] p. 193-195 for weighting methods)
; If NFREE is < 0 or NPTS is < NFREE then CHISQ is set to 0
; and an error message will appear.
; Typing CHISQ without any parameters will display the procedure
; call statement.
; tested with IDL Version 2.1.0 (sunos sparc) 19 Jun 91
; tested with IDL Version 2.1.0 (ultrix mispel) N/A
; tested with IDL Version 2.1.0 (vms vax) 21 Jun 91
; July, 1981 TBA GSFC add weighting
; June, 1984 NRE GSFC change to 1/SIGMA^2 weighting, document
; Jul 5 1984 RWT GSFC correct error in using WEIGHT and modify
; documentation
; Sep 9 1987 RWT GSFC add procedure call listing
; Mar 8 1988 CAG GSFC add VAX RDAF-style prolog.
; Jun 21 1991 PJL GSFC cleaned up; tested on SUN and VAX; updated prolog
; 6 May 94 PJL added to prolog
; 11 May 94 PJL print a warning if any of the weights are negative
pro chisq,y,weight,yfit,nfree,chisq
npar = n_params(0)
if (npar eq 0) then begin
endif ; npar
; parcheck,npar,5,'CHISQ'
; pcheck,y,1,010,0011
; pcheck,yfit,2,010,0011
; pcheck,nfree,3,100,0010
; print a warning if any of the weights are negative
temp = where(weight lt 0,count)
if (count gt 0) then begin
print,' '
print,'WARNING: ' + strtrim(count,2) + ' of the ' + $
strtrim(n_elements(weight),2) + ' weight values are negative.'
print,'ACTION: continuing'
print,' '
endif ; count gt 0
npts = n_elements(y)
; if degrees of freedom positive, proceed
if (nfree gt 0) and (npts gt nfree) then begin
chisq = total(weight*(y-yfit)*(y-yfit)) / nfree
endif else begin
print,'Error detected in CHISQ.'
print,'nfree = ',strtrim(nfree,2),' npts = ',strtrim(npts,2)
chisq = 0
endelse ; nfree
end ; chisq

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