This package is a copy of the encoding/xml package with namespace prefix support.
go get -u
Replace import "encoding/xml"
with ""
This example show encoding & decoding of a SOAP envelope with namespace prefix support
package main
import (
type Envelope struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Envelope"`
Attrs []xml.Attr `xml:",any,attr"`
Header *Header
Body *Body
type Header struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Header"`
Attrs []xml.Attr `xml:",any,attr"`
Content []byte `xml:",innerxml"`
type Body struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Body"`
Attrs []xml.Attr `xml:",any,attr"`
Content []byte `xml:",innerxml"`
type AlertControl struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:" alertcontrol"`
Attrs []xml.Attr `xml:",any,attr"`
Priority int `xml:" priority"`
Expires time.Time `xml:" expires"`
type Alert struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:" alert"`
Attrs []xml.Attr `xml:",any,attr"`
Message string `xml:" msg"`
func testXmlIn() {
xmlFile, _ := os.Open("xml/soap-001.xml")
xmlEnvelope := &Envelope{}
decoder := xml.NewDecoder(xmlFile)
func testXmlOut() {
nametable := make(map[string]string)
nametable[""] = "ac"
nametable[""] = "a"
headerContent, _ := xml.MarshalIndentWithNametable(&AlertControl{
Priority: 1,
Expires: time.Now().Add(48 * time.Hour),
}, nametable, "", " ")
bodyContent, _ := xml.MarshalWithNametable(&Alert{
Message: "Hello alert!",
}, nametable)
xmlEnvelope := &Envelope{
Attrs: []xml.Attr{
Name: xml.Name{Space: "", Local: "attr1"},
Value: "value1",
Name: xml.Name{Space: "", Local: "attr1"},
Value: "value1",
Header: &Header{
Content: headerContent,
Body: &Body{
Content: bodyContent,
encoder := xml.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
encoder.SetNamespace("soap", XMLNS_SOAP_12_ENV)
encoder.Indent("", " ")
func main() {
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" soap:attr1="value1" xmlns:test="" test:attr1="value1">
<soap:Header><ac:alertcontrol xmlns:ac="">
<soap:Body><a:alert xmlns:a=""><a:msg>Hello alert!</a:msg></a:alert></soap:Body>