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Carthage compatible

DJSwiftHelpers is a Swift library containing useful Swift extensions. It allows you to perform many tasks easily.

Integrate using SPM

Add the package to your project.

For most helpers you can import DJSwiftHelpers however for additional UIKit or SwiftUI helpers that are not extension friendly, also import DJSwiftHelpers_UIKit or import DJSwiftHelpers_SwiftUI

Integrate using Carthage

Install Carthage if not already installed

Change to the directory of your Xcode project, and Create and Edit your Cartfile and add DJSwiftHelpers:

$ cd /path/to/MyProject
$ touch Cartfile
$ open Cartfile

Add the following line to your Cartfile

github "ddaddy/DJSwiftHelpers"

Save and then run:

$ carthage update --use-xcframeworks

Once complete, drag libraries as required

  • Carthage/Build/iOS/DJSwiftHelpers
  • Carthage/Build/iOS/DJSwiftHelpers_Extension
  • Carthage/Build/iOS/DJSwiftHelpers_SwiftUI

into the Frameworks, Libraries & Embeded Content section of your project.

If adding to an extension, select Do not embed but also add to your main iOS or watchOS app and select Embed & Sign.

Extensions Available


Removes an element from an Array. If the element occurs multiple times in the array, only the first element will be removed.

remove(element: Element)

Moves an element to a new index

move(_ element: Element, to newIndex: Index)
move(from oldIndex: Index, to newIndex: Index)

Split an Array into multiple arrays of size

chunked(into size: Int) -> [[Element]]

Filters an array to return one of each item where the keyPath elements are unique

uniques<T: Hashable>(by keyPath: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element]

.uniques(by: \.surname)

Filters an array to return one of each item where the combined keyPath elements are unique

uniques<T: Hashable, U: Hashable>(by keyPath: KeyPath<Element, T>, and secondKeyPath: KeyPath<Element, U>) -> [Element]

.uniques(by: \.firstName, and: \.surname)

Adds a listener to array elements

elementChangeListener(cancellables: inout [AnyCancellable], change: @escaping (Element)->())


Determine if a location is within a bounding rect

locationIsInside(minLat:Double, maxLat:Double, minLong:Double, maxLong:Double) -> Bool

Collection (Array, Dictionary, Set etc..)

Removes the risk of indexOutOfBounds crashes.

subscript(safe index: Index) -> Element?
// array[safe: 5]


Create a Date from some date elements

Date.from(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) -> Date?

Create a Date from a date string. Be careful using this because DateFormatter's can be very expensive for performance.

Date.parse(_ string: String, format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd") -> Date?

Adds additional seconds or minutes to a Date

adding(seconds: Int) -> Date
adding(minutes: Int) -> Date

Deduct one Date from another

- (lhs: Date, rhs: Date) -> TimeInterval

Converts an iso8601 string with or without milliseconds 2020-11-11T11:39:00Z ro 2020-11-11T11:39:00.000Z

WARNING! These are expensive operations so probably best not to use in a loop

var iso8601: String
var iso8601withFractionalSeconds: String
var iso8601: Date?
var iso8601withFractionalSeconds: Date?



Skips to the next container whilst iterating over an unkeyed decoding container using while !container.isAtEnd { }


Property wrapper that allows a Decodable var to be decoded from either a String or an Int

struct GeneralProduct: Decodable {
	var price: Double
	// These can be decoded from either String or Int
	@Flexible var intId: Int
	@Flexible var stringId: String


Round doubles for less accurate comparisons

static func equal(_ lhs: Double, _ rhs: Double, precise value: Int? = nil) -> Bool
func precised(_ value: Int = 1) -> Double


Determines if running inside an app extension or not

static var isExtension:Bool


Fetches all contents (files & folders) in a specified file path and all subfolders

allContents(path: String) -> [URL]

Fetch contents (files & folders) in a specifies file path, none recursive

urls(for directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory, skipsHiddenFiles: Bool = true ) -> [URL]?
urls(for directory: URL, skipsHiddenFiles: Bool = true ) -> [URL]?

Parse a json file into the specified object type

readJSONFromFile<T: Decodable>(fileURL: URL, type: T.Type) -> T?


A UIView subclass with a gradient background.

Can be used in a storyboard as it supports IBDesignable however to use IBDesignable from an external framework you need to add this small class to your project:

class GradientView: Gradient {
    @IBInspectable override var startColor: UIColor {get { return super.startColor }set { super.startColor = newValue }}
    @IBInspectable override var endColor: UIColor {get { return super.endColor }set { super.endColor = newValue }}
    @IBInspectable override var startLocation: Double {get { return super.startLocation }set { super.startLocation = newValue }}
    @IBInspectable override var endLocation: Double {get { return super.endLocation }set { super.endLocation = newValue }}
    @IBInspectable override var horizontalMode: Bool {get { return super.horizontalMode }set { super.horizontalMode = newValue }}
    @IBInspectable override var diagonalMode: Bool {get { return super.diagonalMode }set { super.diagonalMode = newValue }}


Return the emoji flag for the given Locale

var emojiFlag: String


Change the colour of certain text within an NSMutableAttributedString

func setColorForText(textToFind: String, withColor color: UIColor)


Truncate a string by removing all characters at the position

truncated(limit: Int, position: TruncationPosition = .tail, leader: String = "") -> String

Delete a prefix if it exists

deletingPrefix(_ prefix: String) -> String

Allows you to use [8] subscript to get 1 character from a String

subscript(_ i: Int) -> String

Allows you to use [0..<9] subscript to truncate a String

subscript (r: Range<Int>) -> String

Allows you to use [0...8] subscript to truncate a String

subscript (r: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> String

Convert a String into a Bool by looking for the relevant type texts (Yes, No, True etc..)

var bool: Bool?

Convert a String into a Double

toDouble() -> Double?

Convert a String to Data then saves it to the given URL path

save(path:URL) -> Bool
index<S: StringProtocol>(of string: S, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> Index?
endIndex<S: StringProtocol>(of string: S, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> Index?
indices<S: StringProtocol>(of string: S, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> [Index]
ranges<S: StringProtocol>(of string: S, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> [Range<Index>]

Splits a string into an array of lines

var lines: [SubSequence]

Returns a string that appears between 2 strings

func slice(from: String? = nil, to: String? = nil) -> String?


Creates a recurring Task that executes until success

static func retrying(priority: TaskPriority? = nil, maxRetryCount: Int = .max, retryDelay: TimeInterval = 1, operation: @Sendable @escaping () async throws -> Success) -> Task


Return the top most ViewController regardless if embeded in a navigation stack or not

class getTopViewController(base: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController?

Display an alert regardless of what's on the screen

class displayGlobalAlert(title:String, message:String, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)

Dismiss back to the root view controller

class dismisstoRoot(animated:Bool, completion:(() -> Void)? = nil)


Add an underline style to the title label



Convert a hex string to a UIColor

init?(hex: String)

Find the opposite colour of a UIColor

var inverted: UIColor


var isPhone: Bool
var isPad: Bool
var isTV: Bool
var isCarPlay: Bool


Specify a font weight to a dynamic font style

static func preferredFont(for style: TextStyle, weight: Weight) -> UIFont

use like:

label.font = UIFont.preferredFont(for: .title2, weight: .medium)


Convert a String to Data then save it to the given URL path

saveAsPNG(path:URL) -> Bool

Save an image to a temporary file

tempURLForImage(named name: String) -> URL?

Resize an image

resize(width: CGFloat) -> UIImage
resize(height: CGFloat) -> UIImage
resize(size: CGSize) -> UIImage


Adds an SFSymbol image to the beginning or end of a UILabel's text

addSFSymbol(named:String, position:UILabel.SFSymbolPosition = .beginning, fontWeight weight:UIFont.Weight = .bold, fontDescriptorDesign design:UIFontDescriptor.SystemDesign = .rounded)


Helpers to use with Task.sleep(nanoseconds:)

static let oneSecond: UInt64        = 1_000_000_000
static let twoSeconds: UInt64       = 2_000_000_000
static let threeSeconds: UInt64     = 3_000_000_000
static let fourSeconds: UInt64      = 4_000_000_000
static let fiveSeconds: UInt64      = 5_000_000_000
static let tenSeconds: UInt64       = 10_000_000_000
static let twentySeconds: UInt64    = 20_000_000_000
static let thirtySeconds: UInt64    = 30_000_000_000
static let sixtySeconds: UInt64     = 60_000_000_000


Remove and dealloc all subviews from a UIStackView


Add a background color to a UIStackView

addBackground(color: UIColor)


Sets up the autolayout constraints to pin a view to it's superview

pinToSuperview(with insets: UIEdgeInsets = .zero, edges: UIRectEdge = .all)

Add a border to the insied of a UIView at a specific edge

addBorder(_ edge: UIRectEdge, color: UIColor, thickness: CGFloat)


Displays a UIAlertController message with an "Ok" cancel button

displayAlert(title:String?, message:String?)
displayAlert(title:String?, message:String?, buttonAction:((UIAlertAction)->())?)

Add's & removes a child UIViewController to a continer view

addChild(_ child: UIViewController, in containerView: UIView)
removeChild(_ child: UIViewController)


Fetches the key window

var key: UIWindow?


Generates a URLRequest whilst automatically converting headers and body to the correct formats

init?(url:URL, headers:[String:String], postBody:[String:Any], json:Bool = true, timeout:TimeInterval = 60.0)
init?(url:URL, headers:[String:String], postString:String, timeout:TimeInterval = 60.0)
init?(url:URL, headers:[String:String], parameters:[String:String], timeout:TimeInterval = 60.0)


Returns the HTTP status code from a URLResponse

statusCode() -> Int?


A URLSession that will bypass an SSL certificate check.

WARNING!! Be careful where you use this! It can be dangerous.

static var selfSignedSSLSession:URLSession


Save to UserDefaults or remove it if nil

setOrDelete(value:String?, forKey key:String)
setOrDelete(value:Int?, forKey key:String)

Delete all UserDefault's for the containing bundleIdentifier

func resetDefaults()



A backward compatible NavigationStack

NavigationStackPre16() {


A SwiftUI view to display the share sheet with Open in Safari


	// Share button action
	SafariActivityView(isPresented: $activityPresented, url: url)


A UIActivityViewController used to present a Share Sheet


struct ShareItem: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    let data: Data

    .sheet(item: $shareItem) { shareItem in


A SwiftUI view modifier that executes a block of code only once during the first display of the view

.onFirstAppear(_ action: @escaping () -> ()) -> some View


A SwiftUI view modifier that conditionally hides the view

.hideable(isHidden: true)


Copyright (c) 2020 Darren Jones (Dappological Ltd.)


No description, website, or topics provided.






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