Test drive the development of a Calculator module based on the acceptance criteria below. Submit a pull request (titled "Ready: TDD calculator kata") against your branch to turn in your assignment.
- Does the code run?
- Do the tests pass?
- Do the tests implemented in the classroom still work?
- Did you use the correct file structure specified for rspec?
- Did you use proper Ruby naming conventions?
- Do your unit tests have assertions?
- Did you use good variable naming (i.e. avoid use of single letter variables)
Write acceptance tests for your calculator application using the same acceptance criteria. Submit a pull request (titled "Ready: Cucumber kata") against your branch to turn in your assignment.
- should return an integer
- the order of operation should matter (not commutative)
- subtracting zero should return the first integer
- subtacting an integer from itself should return zero
- should accept more than 2 numbers at a time
- should return an integer
- the order of operation should not matter (commutative)
- multiplying an integer by one should return the first integer
- multiplying an integer by zero should return zero
- should accept more than 2 numbers at a time
- should return an integer
- the order of operation should matter (not commutative)
- dividing an integer by one should return the first integer
- dividing zero by an integer should return zero
- dividing an integer by zero should raise an error
- should accept more than 2 numbers at a time
To complete this assignment, you need to:
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork onto your machine with
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/calculator
- Write code
- Push your work to your forked repository with
git push
- Submit a pull request WITH YOUR NAME IN THE TITLE
Leave us a GitHub issue, email an instructor, or grab one before/after the next class.