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Major refactoring
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Uses async in all the the *arr interactions
Env vars are cached instead of function calls
Specter now used in all get ins
Adds profile selection, fixes kiranshila#14
Shows all results by default, requesting a second time updates profile,fixes kiranshila#13
Much better error handling from the HTTP request side of things, fixes kiranshila#7
  • Loading branch information
kiranshila committed Aug 17, 2021
1 parent 8c7c51b commit b23161f
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Showing 6 changed files with 302 additions and 249 deletions.
10 changes: 1 addition & 9 deletions
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## Why does this exist

- Uses modern Discord slash commands and components, which provides a clean, performant UI on desktop and mobile
- Simple codebase, <1k lines of code which *should* make it easy to maintain
- Simple codebase, <1k lines of code which _should_ make it easy to maintain
- Simple configuration, no need to have a whole web frontend
- Powered by Clojure and [Discljord](, a markedly good language 😛

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,14 +87,6 @@ To skip the build, just download `Doplarr.jar` and `config.edn` from the release

### Optional Settings

By default, the profile for which requests will be made will be the
lowest-indexed (first) in your list of profiles. For me, this is the default
Any. You can change this by adding the config option `:radarr-profile-id` (or
`RADARR_PROFILE_ID` if you are using environment variables (docker) instead of
the config file) to the integer of the profile. This is however not exposed in the GUI for some reason,
so you'll have to use the Radarr API tool to find it. I plan on making this
nicer as this is creating some bugs.

Also, I'm limiting the size of the results in the drop down to 10, this can be
set with `:max-results` in the config file of `MAX_RESULTS` as an environment variable.

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions deps.edn
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:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.0-alpha1"}
org.clojure/core.cache {:mvn/version "1.0.217"}
yogthos/config {:mvn/version "1.1.8"}
com.rpl/specter {:mvn/version "1.1.3"}
ch.qos.logback/logback-classic {:mvn/version "1.2.5"}
org.suskalo/discljord {:git/url "" :sha "a417b0d543c68820ce0633b31d7c98c6b328c857"}
org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "1.3.618"}
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43 changes: 27 additions & 16 deletions src/doplarr/arr_utils.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,36 @@
(ns doplarr.arr-utils
[config.core :refer [env]]
[ :as log]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[hato.client :as hc]))

(defn http-request [method url key & params]
(let [response (hc/request
(apply merge
{:method method
:url url
:as :json
:headers {"X-API-Key" key}}
(when (:debug env)
(clojure.pprint/pprint response))
(defn http-request [method url key & [params]]
(let [chan (a/chan)]
{:method method
:url url
:as :json
:async? true
:headers {"X-API-Key" key}}
(a/put! chan %)
(a/close! chan))
#(log/error % (ex-data %)))

(defn rootfolder [base-url key]
(->> (http-request :get (str base-url "/rootfolder") key)
(let [chan (a/promise-chan)]
(map (comp :path first :body))
(str base-url "/rootfolder")

(defn quality-profile-data [profile]
{:name (:name profile)
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250 changes: 131 additions & 119 deletions src/doplarr/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns doplarr.core
[com.rpl.specter :as s]
[doplarr.sonarr :as sonarr]
[doplarr.radarr :as radarr]
[discljord.messaging :as m]
Expand All @@ -14,6 +15,8 @@
(defonce state (atom nil))
(defonce cache (cache/ttl-cache-factory {} :ttl 900000)) ; 15 Minute cache expiration, coinciding with the interaction token

(def channel-timeout 600000)

;; Slash command setup
(def request-command
{:name "request"
Expand All @@ -37,6 +40,31 @@
:description "Search term"
:required true}]}]})

(def max-results (delay (:max-results env 10)))

(def search-fn {:series sonarr/search
:movie radarr/search})

(def profiles-fn {:series sonarr/quality-profiles
:movie radarr/quality-profiles})

(def request-fn {:series sonarr/request
:movie radarr/request})

(def timed-out-response {:content "Request timed out, please try again"})

(def interaction-types {1 :ping
2 :application-command
3 :message-component})

(def component-types {1 :action-row
2 :button
3 :select-menu})

(def request-thumbnail
{:series ""
:movie ""})

;; Discljord setup
(defn register-commands [guild-id]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,20 +116,6 @@
:components components
:embeds embeds))

(defn delete-interaction-response [interaction-token]
(:messaging @state)
(:id @state)

(def interaction-types {1 :ping
2 :application-command
3 :message-component})

(def component-types {1 :action-row
2 :button
3 :select-menu})

(defn application-command-interaction-option-data [app-com-int-opt]
[(keyword (:name app-com-int-opt))
(into {} (map (juxt (comp keyword :name) :value)) (:options app-com-int-opt))])
Expand All @@ -112,9 +126,9 @@
:token (:token interaction)
{:component-type (component-types (get-in interaction [:data :component-type]))
:component-id (get-in interaction [:data :custom-id])
:name (get-in interaction [:data :name])
:values (get-in interaction [:data :values])
:component-id (s/select-one [:data :custom-id] interaction)
:name (s/select-one [:data :name] interaction)
:values (s/select-one [:data :values] interaction)
:options (into {} (map application-command-interaction-option-data) (get-in interaction [:data :options]))}})

(defn request-button [uuid enabled?]
Expand All @@ -124,124 +138,122 @@
:custom_id (str "request:" uuid)
:label "Request"})

(defn generate-select-menu-option [index result]
(defn select-menu-option [index result]
{:label (:title result)
:description (:year result)
:value index})

(defn generate-search-response [results uuid]
(if (empty? results)
{:content "Search result returned no hits"}
{:content "Choose one of the following results:"
:components [{:type 1
:components [{:type 3
:custom_id (str "select:" uuid)
:options (into [] (map-indexed generate-select-menu-option results))}]}]}))

(def request-thumbnail
{:series ""
:movie ""})

(defn selection-embed [selection request-type & {:keys [season]}]
(cond-> {:title (:title selection)
:description (:overview selection)
:image {:url (:remotePoster selection)}
:thumbnail {:url (request-thumbnail request-type)}}
season (assoc :fields [{:name "Season"
:value (if (= season -1)

(defn request [selection uuid & {:keys [season]}]
(let [request-type (get-in @cache [uuid :type])]
{:content (str "Request this " (name request-type) " ?")
:embeds [(selection-embed selection request-type :season season)]
:components [{:type 1 :components [(request-button uuid true)]}]}))

(defn request-alert [selection uuid & {:keys [season]}]
(let [request-type (get-in @cache [uuid :type])]
{:content "This has been requested!"
:embeds [(selection-embed selection request-type :season season)]}))

(defn select-season [series uuid]
{:content "Which season?"
(defn dropdown [content id options]
{:content content
:components [{:type 1
:components [{:type 3
:custom_id (str "select_season:" uuid)
:options (conj (map #(hash-map :label (str "Season: " %) :value %) (sonarr/missing-seasons series))
{:label "All Seasons" :value "-1"})}]}]})
:custom_id id
:options options}]}]})

(defn max-results []
(or (:max-results env)
(defn search-response [results uuid]
(if (empty? results)
{:content "Search result returned no hits"}
(dropdown "Choose one of the following results"
(str "select:" uuid)
(map-indexed select-menu-option results))))

(defn selection-embed [selection & {:keys [season profile]}]
{:title (:title selection)
:description (:overview selection)
:image {:url (:remotePoster selection)}
:thumbnail {:url (request-thumbnail (if season :series :movie))}
:fields (filterv
[{:name "Profile"
:value profile}
(when season
{:name "Season"
:value (if (= season -1)

(defn request [selection uuid & {:keys [season profile]}]
{:content (str "Request this " (if season "series" "movie") " ?")
:embeds [(selection-embed selection :season season :profile profile)]
:components [{:type 1 :components [(request-button uuid true)]}]})

(defn request-alert [selection & {:keys [season profile]}]
{:content "This has been requested!"
:embeds [(selection-embed selection :season season :profile profile)]})

(defn start-request [interaction]
(defn select-season [series uuid]
(dropdown "Which season?"
(str "select_season:" uuid)
(conj (map #(hash-map :label (str "Season: " %) :value %)
(range 1 (inc (:seasonCount series))))
{:label "All Seasons" :value "-1"})))

(defn select-profile [profiles uuid]
(dropdown "Which quality profile?"
(str "select_profile:" uuid)
(map #(hash-map :label (:name %) :value (:id %)) profiles)))

(defn await-interaction [chan token]
(a/timeout channel-timeout) (do
(update-interaction-response token timed-out-response)
chan ([v] v))))

(defn make-request [interaction]
(let [uuid (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
id (:id interaction)
token (:token interaction)
search (:options (:payload interaction))
request-type (first (keys search))
request-term (get-in search [request-type :term])]
; Create the cache entry with the data we have so far
(swap! cache assoc-in [uuid :token] token)
(swap! cache assoc-in [uuid :type] request-type)
request-term (s/select-one [request-type :term] search)
chan (a/chan)]
; Send the in-progress response
(interaction-response id token 5 :ephemeral? true)
; Fetch the request
(let [perform-search (case request-type
:series sonarr/search
:movie radarr/search)
filter-aquired (case request-type
:series sonarr/aquired-all-seasons?
:movie :monitored)
results (->> (perform-search request-term)
(filter (complement filter-aquired))
(take (max-results))
(into []))]
; Update the cache with these results
(swap! cache assoc-in [uuid :results] results)
; Generate the results selector and update the thing
(update-interaction-response token (generate-search-response results uuid)))))

(defn component-ack [interaction-id interaction-token]
(interaction-response interaction-id interaction-token 6))

(defn perform-request [uuid]
(let [selection (get-in @cache [uuid :selection])
season (get-in @cache [uuid :season])
type (get-in @cache [uuid :type])]
(case type
:movie (radarr/request selection)
:series (if (= -1 season)
(sonarr/request-all selection)
(sonarr/request-season selection season)))))
; Create this command's channel
(swap! cache assoc uuid chan)
(let [results (->> ((search-fn request-type) request-term)
(into [] (take @max-results)))]
; Results selection
(a/<! (update-interaction-response token (search-response results uuid)))
(when-some [selection-interaction (a/<! (await-interaction chan token))]
(let [selection-id (Integer/parseInt (s/select-one [:payload :values 0] selection-interaction))
profiles (->> ((profiles-fn request-type))
(into []))]
; Profile selection
(a/<! (update-interaction-response token (select-profile profiles uuid)))
(when-some [profile-interaction (a/<! (await-interaction chan token))]
(let [selection (nth results selection-id)
profile-id (Integer/parseInt (s/select-one [:payload :values 0] profile-interaction))
profile (s/select-one [s/ALL (comp (partial = profile-id) :id) :name] profiles)
season-id (when (= request-type :series)
; Optional season selection for TV shows
(a/<! (update-interaction-response token (select-season selection uuid)))
(when-some [season-interaction (a/<! (await-interaction chan token))]
(Integer/parseInt (s/select-one [:payload :values 0] season-interaction))))]
; Verify request
(a/<! (update-interaction-response token (request selection uuid :season season-id :profile profile)))
; Wait for the button press, we don't care about the actual interaction
(a/<! (await-interaction chan token))
; Send public followup and actually perform request
(a/<! (followup-repsonse token (request-alert selection :season season-id :profile profile)))
((request-fn request-type)
{:season season-id
:profile-id profile-id})
(update-interaction-response token {:content "Requested!"
:components []})))))))))

(defn continue-request [interaction]
(let [[action uuid] (str/split (get-in interaction [:payload :component-id]) #":")
token (get-in @cache [uuid :token])
request-type (get-in @cache [uuid :type])]
(case action
"select" (let [selection-id (Integer/parseInt (get-in interaction [:payload :values 0]))
selection (get-in @cache [uuid :results selection-id])]
(swap! cache assoc-in [uuid :selection] selection)
(case request-type
:series (update-interaction-response token (select-season selection uuid))
:movie (update-interaction-response token (request selection uuid))))

"select_season" (let [selection (get-in @cache [uuid :selection])
season-id (Integer/parseInt (get-in interaction [:payload :values 0]))]
(swap! cache assoc-in [uuid :season] season-id)
(update-interaction-response token (request selection uuid :season season-id)))
"request" (let [selection (get-in @cache [uuid :selection])
season (get-in @cache [uuid :season])]
(followup-repsonse token (request-alert selection uuid {:season season}))
(perform-request uuid)
(update-interaction-response token {:content "Requested!"
:components []}))
"cancel" (delete-interaction-response (:token interaction)))
(component-ack (:id interaction) (:token interaction))))

;; Gateway event handlers
(let [[_ uuid] (str/split (s/select-one [:payload :component-id] interaction) #":")]
(interaction-response (:id interaction) (:token interaction) 6)
(a/offer! (get @cache uuid) interaction)))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gateway event handlers
(defmulti handle-event
(fn [event-type event-data]
Expand All @@ -250,7 +262,7 @@
[_ data]
(let [interaction (interaction-data data)]
(case (:type interaction)
:application-command (start-request interaction) ; These will all be requests as that is the only top level command
:application-command (make-request interaction) ; These will all be requests as that is the only top level command
:message-component (continue-request interaction))))

(defmethod handle-event :ready
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