This .zip file contains various files that create a RESTful web application using the Python framework Flask along with implementing third-party OAuth authentication.
For this project, I have created a sports jersey catalog. Users who have logged into their Google accounts have the ability to create new jerseys and to edit and delete existing ones using CRUD operations.
Download the .zip file, which has:
- client_secrets.json
- 'templates' folder which contains HTML files
- 'static' folder which contains the CSS file, catalog-stylesheet.css
Open each file to examine its contents and comments in the code.
Firing up the VM:
- Run
vagrant up
- Run
vagrant ssh
- Run
cd /vagrant
To load the data, use the following commands in the virtual machine in this order:
After these steps, you may now run: http://localhost:8000/
to access the catalog.
This file contains many functions that utilize Flask in order to create the backend of this website.
App Routes have been created for the purpose of structuring specific pages of this website, such as the list of sports and jerseys, as well as links to adding, editing, and deleting specific jerseys.
In addition, the gconnect and the gdisconnect functions serve to allow third-party authenication using Google accounts. This code and related content has been used from Udacity's solution codes in Lesson 11, "Creating A Google Sign-In" and Lesson 17, "Securing Your APIs".
This python file contains three classes:
- User
- Sport
- Jersey
These classes serve as the backbone of this application and the bridge between and
The User class has four attributes:
- id - Provided by Flask
- name
- picture
The Sport class has two attributes:
- id - Provided by Flask
- name
The Jersey class has eight attributes:
- id - Provided by Flask
- name
- description
- price
- user_id
- user - Establishes relationship with the User class
- sport_id
- sport - Establishes relationship with the Sport class
This file is essentially the database of this web application. There are instances created from the User, Sports, and Jersey classes which will make up the initial items in the catalog.
- Atom - Text editor used to create and
- Vagrant - A tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow.
- VirtualBox- VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Chris Jeon
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
- Lorenzo Brown from Udacity
- Abhishek Ghosh from Udacity
- Trish Whetzel from Udacity