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html encryption with node.js crypto-js and javascript decryption in browser

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This code sample demonstrates how to encrypt html on your laptop with node.js and to decrypt data with javascript in a browser.

Quick Start

In a terminal, type:

git clone
cd encrypted_html
npm i
npm run preparation
npm run start

Try the login:

jim jim
jack jack

How encrypted html look like?

Download the code and browse web/index.html.

Or check the same pages on CardanCo.

To decrypt the pages use one of these two logins:

  • username: jim, password: jim
  • username: jack, password: jack


  • To use the encrypted pages

a modern browser with javascript support. I have checked the code with Firefox 27.0.1.

  • To encrypt the data

node.js version v0.10.21

> js --verison
  • To install the node-module crypto-js

npm version 1.3.12

> npm --version

Edit the pages

To change the encrypted page content or add/remove/change privileged logins:

  • edit the file preparation/admin_input.js
  • execute preparation/encrypt_html.js and read the log
  • update manually the files of the directory web/
> cd preparation
> vim admin_input.js
> js encrypt_html.js
> cd ../web
> vim index.html next.html js/decrypt_html.js

To change the non-encrypted pages, edit directly the files of the directory web/.

Install the node-module crypto-js

The node module crypto-js version is 3.1.2-2.

You need to install crypto-js with npm locally in the directory web/ to execute preparation/encrypt_html.js.

> cd preparation
> npm list
> npm config set registry
> npm install crypto-js

Security considerations

The html encryption lets you publish private/confidential data on a static website.

Some strategies to put his private data online:

  • encrypt directly the private data
  • hide the private data with a complex URL and create a small encrypted page containing a link to the complex URL
  • encrypt and hide the private pages (combination of the two previous)

Encrypted html is prone to brute force attack as an encrypted page can be downloaded one and then used offline. In this case, server settings can not prevent for brute force attack. A possible solution could be:

  • hide the private data with a complex URL
  • estimate the time requires to break the encryption of the page containing a link to the complex URL
  • change from time to time the complexe URL and the corresponding encrypted page


html encryption with node.js crypto-js and javascript decryption in browser






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