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Merge pull request #99 from corochann/dcgan_example
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Dcgan example
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shu65 authored Aug 28, 2017
2 parents e8eab82 + dfcfad4 commit 5ce1b27
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Showing 6 changed files with 376 additions and 0 deletions.
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This is an example implementation of DCGAN (
trained on multi-GPU using `chainermn`.

This code uses Cifar-10 dataset by default.
You can use your own dataset by specifying `--dataset` argument to the directory consisting of image files for training.
The model assumes the resolution of an input image is 32x32.
If you want to use another image resolution, you need to change the network architecture in

Below is an example learning result using cifar-10 dataset after 200 epoch,
where the model is trained using 4 GPUs with minibatch size 50 for each process.

![example result](

## Implementation

The original implementation is referenced from [chainer examples](

It is worth noting that only main training code, ``, is modified from original code.
The model definition code in ``, the updater code (which defines how to calculate the loss to train generator and discriminator) in ``,
and the training extension code in `` are completely same with the original code.

We can reuse most of the code developed in `chainer`, to support multi-GPU training with `chainermn`.

## How to run the code

For example, below command is to train the model using 4 GPUs (= processes).

mpiexec -n 4 python -g

If you want to restart the training to fine tune the trained model,
specify the file path saved by `snapshot_object`.
Below command loads the models which are trained 30000 iterations.
mpiexec -n 4 python -g --gen_model=result/gen_iter_30000.npz --dis_model=result/dis_iter_30000.npz --out=result_finetune
Binary file added examples/dcgan/example_image.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
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#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy

import chainer
from chainer import cuda
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L

def add_noise(h, sigma=0.2):
xp = cuda.get_array_module(
if chainer.config.train:
return h + sigma * xp.random.randn(*h.shape)
return h

class Generator(chainer.Chain):

def __init__(self, n_hidden, bottom_width=4, ch=512, wscale=0.02):
super(Generator, self).__init__()
self.n_hidden = n_hidden = ch
self.bottom_width = bottom_width

with self.init_scope():
w = chainer.initializers.Normal(wscale)
self.l0 = L.Linear(self.n_hidden, bottom_width * bottom_width * ch,
self.dc1 = L.Deconvolution2D(ch, ch // 2, 4, 2, 1, initialW=w)
self.dc2 = L.Deconvolution2D(ch // 2, ch // 4, 4, 2, 1, initialW=w)
self.dc3 = L.Deconvolution2D(ch // 4, ch // 8, 4, 2, 1, initialW=w)
self.dc4 = L.Deconvolution2D(ch // 8, 3, 3, 1, 1, initialW=w)
self.bn0 = L.BatchNormalization(bottom_width * bottom_width * ch)
self.bn1 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 2)
self.bn2 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 4)
self.bn3 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 8)

def make_hidden(self, batchsize):
return numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (batchsize, self.n_hidden, 1, 1))\

def __call__(self, z):
h = F.reshape(F.relu(self.bn0(self.l0(z))),
(len(z),, self.bottom_width, self.bottom_width))
h = F.relu(self.bn1(self.dc1(h)))
h = F.relu(self.bn2(self.dc2(h)))
h = F.relu(self.bn3(self.dc3(h)))
x = F.sigmoid(self.dc4(h))
return x

class Discriminator(chainer.Chain):

def __init__(self, bottom_width=4, ch=512, wscale=0.02):
w = chainer.initializers.Normal(wscale)
super(Discriminator, self).__init__()
with self.init_scope():
self.c0_0 = L.Convolution2D(3, ch // 8, 3, 1, 1, initialW=w)
self.c0_1 = L.Convolution2D(ch // 8, ch // 4, 4, 2, 1, initialW=w)
self.c1_0 = L.Convolution2D(ch // 4, ch // 4, 3, 1, 1, initialW=w)
self.c1_1 = L.Convolution2D(ch // 4, ch // 2, 4, 2, 1, initialW=w)
self.c2_0 = L.Convolution2D(ch // 2, ch // 2, 3, 1, 1, initialW=w)
self.c2_1 = L.Convolution2D(ch // 2, ch // 1, 4, 2, 1, initialW=w)
self.c3_0 = L.Convolution2D(ch // 1, ch // 1, 3, 1, 1, initialW=w)
self.l4 = L.Linear(bottom_width * bottom_width * ch, 1, initialW=w)
self.bn0_1 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 4, use_gamma=False)
self.bn1_0 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 4, use_gamma=False)
self.bn1_1 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 2, use_gamma=False)
self.bn2_0 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 2, use_gamma=False)
self.bn2_1 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 1, use_gamma=False)
self.bn3_0 = L.BatchNormalization(ch // 1, use_gamma=False)

def __call__(self, x):
h = add_noise(x)
h = F.leaky_relu(add_noise(self.c0_0(h)))
h = F.leaky_relu(add_noise(self.bn0_1(self.c0_1(h))))
h = F.leaky_relu(add_noise(self.bn1_0(self.c1_0(h))))
h = F.leaky_relu(add_noise(self.bn1_1(self.c1_1(h))))
h = F.leaky_relu(add_noise(self.bn2_0(self.c2_0(h))))
h = F.leaky_relu(add_noise(self.bn2_1(self.c2_1(h))))
h = F.leaky_relu(add_noise(self.bn3_0(self.c3_0(h))))
return self.l4(h)
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#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os

import chainer
from chainer import training
from import extensions
from mpi4py import MPI

from net import Discriminator
from net import Generator
from updater import DCGANUpdater
from visualize import out_generated_image

import chainermn

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ChainerMN example: DCGAN')
parser.add_argument('--batchsize', '-b', type=int, default=50,
help='Number of images in each mini-batch')
parser.add_argument('--communicator', type=str,
default='hierarchical', help='Type of communicator')
parser.add_argument('--epoch', '-e', type=int, default=1000,
help='Number of sweeps over the dataset to train')
parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', action='store_true',
help='Use GPU')
parser.add_argument('--dataset', '-i', default='',
help='Directory of image files. Default is cifar-10.')
parser.add_argument('--out', '-o', default='result',
help='Directory to output the result')
parser.add_argument('--gen_model', '-r', default='',
help='Use pre-trained generator for training')
parser.add_argument('--dis_model', '-d', default='',
help='Use pre-trained discriminator for training')
parser.add_argument('--n_hidden', '-n', type=int, default=100,
help='Number of hidden units (z)')
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=0,
help='Random seed of z at visualization stage')
parser.add_argument('--snapshot_interval', type=int, default=1000,
help='Interval of snapshot')
parser.add_argument('--display_interval', type=int, default=100,
help='Interval of displaying log to console')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Prepare ChainerMN communicator.

if args.gpu:
if args.communicator == 'naive':
print("Error: 'naive' communicator does not support GPU.\n")
comm = chainermn.create_communicator(args.communicator)
device = comm.intra_rank
if args.communicator != 'naive':
print('Warning: using naive communicator '
'because only naive supports CPU-only execution')
comm = chainermn.create_communicator('naive')
device = -1

if comm.mpi_comm.rank == 0:
print('Num process (COMM_WORLD): {}'.format(MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()))
if args.gpu:
print('Using GPUs')
print('Using {} communicator'.format(args.communicator))
print('Num hidden unit: {}'.format(args.n_hidden))
print('Num Minibatch-size: {}'.format(args.batchsize))
print('Num epoch: {}'.format(args.epoch))

# Set up a neural network to train
gen = Generator(n_hidden=args.n_hidden)
dis = Discriminator()

if device >= 0:
# Make a specified GPU current
gen.to_gpu() # Copy the model to the GPU

# Setup an optimizer
def make_optimizer(model, comm, alpha=0.0002, beta1=0.5):
# Create a multi node optimizer from a standard Chainer optimizer.
optimizer = chainermn.create_multi_node_optimizer(
chainer.optimizers.Adam(alpha=alpha, beta1=beta1), comm)
optimizer.add_hook(chainer.optimizer.WeightDecay(0.0001), 'hook_dec')
return optimizer

opt_gen = make_optimizer(gen, comm)
opt_dis = make_optimizer(dis, comm)

# Split and distribute the dataset. Only worker 0 loads the whole dataset.
# Datasets of worker 0 are evenly split and distributed to all workers.
if comm.rank == 0:
if args.dataset == '':
# Load the CIFAR10 dataset if args.dataset is not specified
train, _ = chainer.datasets.get_cifar10(withlabel=False,
all_files = os.listdir(args.dataset)
image_files = [f for f in all_files if ('png' in f or 'jpg' in f)]
print('{} contains {} image files'
.format(args.dataset, len(image_files)))
train = chainer.datasets\
.ImageDataset(paths=image_files, root=args.dataset)
train = None

train = chainermn.scatter_dataset(train, comm)

train_iter = chainer.iterators.SerialIterator(train, args.batchsize)

# Set up a trainer
updater = DCGANUpdater(
models=(gen, dis),
'gen': opt_gen, 'dis': opt_dis},
trainer = training.Trainer(updater, (args.epoch, 'epoch'), out=args.out)

# Some display and output extensions are necessary only for one worker.
# (Otherwise, there would just be repeated outputs.)
if comm.rank == 0:
snapshot_interval = (args.snapshot_interval, 'iteration')
display_interval = (args.display_interval, 'iteration')
# Save only model parameters.
# `snapshot` extension will save all the trainer module's attribute,
# including `train_iter`.
# However, `train_iter` depends on scattered dataset, which means that
# `train_iter` may be different in each process.
# Here, instead of saving whole trainer module, only the network models
# are saved.
gen, 'gen_iter_{.updater.iteration}.npz'),
dis, 'dis_iter_{.updater.iteration}.npz'),
'epoch', 'iteration', 'gen/loss', 'dis/loss', 'elapsed_time',
]), trigger=display_interval)
gen, dis,
10, 10, args.seed, args.out),

# Start the training using pre-trained model, saved by snapshot_object
if args.gen_model:
chainer.serializers.load_npz(args.gen_model, gen)
if args.dis_model:
chainer.serializers.load_npz(args.dis_model, dis)

# Run the training

if __name__ == '__main__':
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#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
from chainer import Variable

class DCGANUpdater(

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.gen, self.dis = kwargs.pop('models')
super(DCGANUpdater, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

def loss_dis(self, dis, y_fake, y_real):
batchsize = len(y_fake)
L1 = F.sum(F.softplus(-y_real)) / batchsize
L2 = F.sum(F.softplus(y_fake)) / batchsize
loss = L1 + L2{'loss': loss}, dis)
return loss

def loss_gen(self, gen, y_fake):
batchsize = len(y_fake)
loss = F.sum(F.softplus(-y_fake)) / batchsize{'loss': loss}, gen)
return loss

def update_core(self):
gen_optimizer = self.get_optimizer('gen')
dis_optimizer = self.get_optimizer('dis')

batch = self.get_iterator('main').next()
x_real = Variable(self.converter(batch, self.device)) / 255.
xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(

gen, dis = self.gen, self.dis
batchsize = len(batch)

y_real = dis(x_real)

z = Variable(xp.asarray(gen.make_hidden(batchsize)))
x_fake = gen(z)
y_fake = dis(x_fake)

dis_optimizer.update(self.loss_dis, dis, y_fake, y_real)
gen_optimizer.update(self.loss_gen, gen, y_fake)
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#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

import chainer
import chainer.cuda
from chainer import Variable

def out_generated_image(gen, dis, rows, cols, seed, dst):
def make_image(trainer):
n_images = rows * cols
xp = gen.xp
z = Variable(xp.asarray(gen.make_hidden(n_images)))
with chainer.using_config('train', False):
x = gen(z)
x = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(

x = np.asarray(np.clip(x * 255, 0.0, 255.0), dtype=np.uint8)
_, _, H, W = x.shape
x = x.reshape((rows, cols, 3, H, W))
x = x.transpose(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)
x = x.reshape((rows * H, cols * W, 3))

preview_dir = '{}/preview'.format(dst)
preview_path = preview_dir +\
if not os.path.exists(preview_dir):
return make_image

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