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Cebes - The integrated framework for Data Science at Scale



To build Cebes, you need JDK 1.8+, sbt and a SQL database.

By default, Cebes uses MariaDB connector, and should be compatible with most SQL databases.

Configure MariaDB

This will create databases and users with default credentials for Cebes. You only need to do this once.

mysql.server start

Note that the usernames and passwords in are default values. For production settings, you may want to change them to something more secured.

Compile and run unittests

cp bin/ bin/

Test coverage report can be exported with the --coverage option:

bin/ --coverage=true   # or bin/ -c=true

There will be some unittests skipped. Those are tests with AWS. If you have an AWS account, you can enable those tests by setting the CEBES_TEST_AWS_ACCESSKEY and CEBES_TEST_AWS_SECRETKEY variables in bin/

The tests will run Spark in local mode.

Running Cebes

You can run Cebes in a Docker container, locally or on a Spark cluster.

Running Cebes in Docker

Cebes can be included in a Docker image with Spark running in local mode. To build the docker image:

sbt clean compile assembly
docker build -t cebes -f docker/http-server/Dockerfile .

The docker image contains everything needed by Cebes, including a MariaDB instance. It can then be run as:

docker run -it -p 21000:21000 -p 4040:4040 --name cebes-server cebes

The docker image exposes a data volume at /cebes/data containing Cebes logs, MariaDB databases and Hive warehouse used in Spark. If you want to keep the data persisted, mount it to a local directory:

docker run -it -p 21000:21000 -p 4040:4040 -v $HOME/cebes-data:/cebes/data --name cebes-server cebes

To check if the Cebes server is up and running:

curl localhost:21000/version

The Spark UI can be accessed at http://localhost:4040

Running Cebes locally

Using Docker is more preferred, but if you want you can also run Cebes with Spark in local mode:

# start MySQL server
mysql.server restart

# compile and assembly Cebes
sbt clean compile assembly

# Download Spark and put it under ./spark

# submit Cebes to Spark.      

By default Cebes server will listen on port 21000 (configurable).

Running Cebes on a Spark cluster

Use spark-submit script to submit the Cebes assembly jar like any other Spark application:

sbt clean compile assembly
CEBES_JAR=`find ./cebes-http-server/target/scala-2.11 -name cebes-http-server-assembly-*.jar | head -n 1`

${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --class "io.cebes.server.Main" \
    --master "yarn" \
    --conf 'spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dcebes.logs.dir=/tmp/' \

See Spark documentation for advanced options.

Development guide

Environment variables and configurations

Cebes uses something similar to guice-property for environment variables. All the variables are defined in in the cebes-properties module.


By default, the whole project use scala-logging with the slf4j-log4j12 backend. The configuration of log4j can be found in in each module of the project.

During tests, the resulting log files are normally named ${cebes.log.dir}<module_name>-test.log.

In production, the resulting log file is named ${cebes.log.dir}cebes-http-server.log, and rolled daily.

Spark has some nasty dependencies (DataNucleus and parquet), who use either java.util.logging or hard-coded log4j. For this, we tried our best to mute them in cebes-http-server with the and files.

It seems impossible to mute them in cebes-spark though.

Swagger documentation

Projects that expose RESTful APIs (cebes-http-server, cebes-pipeline-repository, cebes-pipeline-serving) include swagger definitions in src/swagger of respective directories. Check for tools to generate nice-looking UI out of that.

At the moment, some APIs might not be fixed and their swagger documentation might be not there yet. Contribute if you find something missing!

Get involved!

Fork the project, create an issue if you find bugs or have a feature request.

Join us on gitter to interact with people. If you prefer the good old way, drop a message to our mailing list.