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David Mills edited this page Apr 12, 2013 · 17 revisions

#Week 6: Rails III (Advanced Topics)

  • TDD using Guard and focus on Integration tests
  • Bootstrap + SASS (from the beginning)
  • Pagination (Kaminari / Kaminari - Bootstrap)
  • Mailing (ActionMailer/Letter Opener)
  • Search (WebSolr LIKE-based)
  • Authentication (Sorcery)
  • File Upload (CarrierWave)
  • Accepts Nesteded Atttributes + Nested Form + Nested Validation
  • CounterCache

#App: CrowdFunder (a Kickstarter clone)

The app will allow users to pledge against existing projects or create their own project. Visitors will be able to search for projects. Project owners will be able to upload images to their project.

Students will be able to use a variety of gems, create applications that can send and receive email, as well as have an understanding of a search function.


  • Project (title, teaser, description, user)
  • Reward (project, amount, description)
  • User (first, last, email, password, etc)
  • Pledge (user, project, amount, reward)
  • Image (project)


  • pg requires:
  • capybara-webkit requires:
    • Qt 4.8.4 installed (download mpkg installer from their site directly, no need for brew)
    • Check to make sure you can run qmake from command line

##Workflow / Commits

  1. Setup app with test/unit, factory girl, capybara, guard and pg



     gem 'pg'
     group :tools do
     	gem 'rb-fsevent', :require => false # mac
         gem 'rb-inotify', :require => false # linux
         gem 'rb-fchange', :require => false # windows
     	gem 'guard-test'
     	gem 'guard-livereload'
     group :test do 
     	gem "factory_girl_rails"
     	gem "database_cleaner"
     	gem "capybara"
     	gem "capybara-webkit"

    Run bundle install to get all the gems above

    Setup database.yml with correct database info:


       adapter: postgresql
       database: crowdfunder_dev
       host: localhost
     # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
     # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
     # Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
       adapter: postgresql
       database: crowdfunder_test
       host: localhost

    Run bundle exec guard init then bundle exec guard in main terminal tab

    Run rake db:create to create the dev and test databases

    Change app to use FactoryGirl instead of fixtures


     config.generators do |g|
         g.test_framework  :test_unit, :fixture => false

    Remove fixtures :all from test/test_helper.rb

  2. Install sorcery: 6226b0a762 - Add user model

     gem 'sorcery'


    rails generate sorcery:install

    Modify migration to remove username and set email to null false Also add first_name and last_name

     t.string :first_name
     t.string :last_name
     t.string :email, :default => nil, :null => false

    Don't forget to migrate rake db:migrate

    [ COMMIT ]

  3. Generate project model: 7e5d1be755 - Generate project model, Seed some data

     rails generate model project title teaser user:references description:text goal:integer

    open migration to show the references statement and t.references user == t.integer user_id (how they both create integer column)

    Make sure to update user.rb with has_many :projects

    Don't forget to migrate rake db:migrate

    [ COMMIT ]

  4. Seed a user and some projects:


     user = User.create!(first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", email: "", password: "jdoe111")
     50.times do |i|
     	project1 = user.projects.create!(title: "Project #{i}", teaser: "Teaser text #{i}",
     		description: "description #{i}", goal: 13000)

    show db:seed and db:reset in list of rake tasks using rake -T

     rake -T | grep db

    why destroy first? B/C seeds does not clear

    [ COMMIT ]

  5. Project list page (with link_to project show page) (TDD: integration test) c6ad4655a7 - Listing projects - our first controller and action rails generate (list of generators in app)

    generate factory

     rails g factory_girl:model User
     rails g factory_girl:model Project


     FactoryGirl.define do
       factory :user do
       	first_name "Karl"
       	last_name "Denninger"
       	sequence(:email) {|n| "karl#{n}" }
       	password ""


     FactoryGirl.define do
       factory :project do
       	title "Wifi-enabled lamps!"
       	teaser "How have we been able to survive without these?"
       	description "Lorem ipsum... "
       	goal 12000

    Make sure you delete the old fixtures in test/fixtures

    Generate first integration test:

     rails generate integration_test project_flows

    Add this to /test/test_helper.rb, this allows us to use capybara with Test::Unit

     class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
         # Make the Capybara DSL available in all integration tests
         include Capybara::DSL

    Add code to visit /projects and assert content

     visit '/projects'
     assert page.has_content?('Listing projects')

    Witness error from guard

     ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches [GET] "/projects"

    After defining resources :projects in routes, witness next error:

     ActionController::RoutingError: uninitialized constant ProjectsController

    Generate projects controller, index action and:

    • Controller:

      @projects = Project.all

    • Templates:

      index.html.erb: template listing all projects in UL; and expected h1 title

    [ COMMIT ]

  6. Our first browser experience (rails s, open) d7b7f996ac - Pretty up the layout

    • Project Page
    • Pretty it up by adding bootstrap sass gem to the project


         group :assets do
             gem 'sass-rails',   '~> 3.2.3'
             gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>'
             gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3'
    • Add _nav partial with Home and Projects links


         <div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
           <div class="navbar-inner">
             <div class="container">
               <a class="brand" href="#">CrowdFunder</a>
               <div class="nav-collapse collapse">
                 <ul class="nav">
                   <li class="<%= 'active' if current_page? root_path %>">
                     <%= link_to 'Home', :root %>
                   <li class="<%= 'active' if current_page? projects_path %>">
                     <%= link_to 'Projects', :projects %>
               </div><!--/.nav-collapse -->
    • Write "navigation" test case in ProjectFlowsTest file


         test "navigation" do
             visit "/"
             assert_equal root_path, current_path
             # The home nav element should be active
             assert_equal "Home", find('.navbar ul a').text
             find('.navbar ul').click_link('Projects') # more specific: 
             assert_equal projects_path, current_path
             # The projects nav element should be active
             assert_equal "Projects", find('.navbar ul a').text

    [ COMMIT ]

  7. Project show page: f167b8c644 - Project details page - setup

    • Student driven
    • Show page must at min have project title and user name for now

    [ COMMIT ]

  8. Fix bug on navigation (the project header does not highlight when you're on the show page for project) b5b77f53a7 - Fix Bug #1

    • Student driven
    • Emphasis on writing the test case first

    [ COMMIT ]

  9. Sorcery - user registration 6e0bcc979f - User signup

    • Define Test for user registration and failed registration
    • Update nav with Sign Up and Logout buttons based on state
    • DONT handle form errors (intentional bug)
    • Presence validations on User password/name fields

    [ COMMIT ]

  10. Fix bug with registration error upon failed registration 6cc4f088ae - Fix Bug #2

    • Look for text upon failure
    • Add form.objects.errors.full_messages as alert to new.html

    [ COMMIT ]

  11. Login and logout 742fa33e34 - Login and Logout functionality

    • Implement Login first

    • Eventually get error in GUARD (test case) that username column doesn't exist

    • Update sorcery to use email for auth instead of username

    • Write logout test

    • Update logout button in _nav from # to destroy sessions action

    • Notice error:

        No route matches [GET] "/session"
    • Explain that the default capybara driver does not use JS. Use capybara_webkit for :webkit javascript_driver

    • Explain headless browser

    • Couple of changes to Gemfile and test_helper.rb (including addition of database_cleaner.rb)

    • Use the javascript_driver for just that one (logout) test not all of them

    • Explain that we could just make it the default but it would be slower to run

    • Expect alert on failed login attempt but don't get any

    • Update application.html.erb to include flash[:alert]

    [ COMMIT ]

  12. Ability to pledge for a project 2e8e71f48c - Create pledge model

    • Generate pledge model:

      rails g model pledge user:references project:references amount:integer

    [ COMMIT ]

  13. Pledge creation flow 2aac32c453 - Pledge creation workflow

    • Generate integration test expecting 'Back This Project' button that:

      • When clicked will be redirect to new_user_path for unauthenticated user
    • Add button to projects#show labeled 'Back This Project'

      Encounter issue:

        <"/users/new"> expected but was <"/projects/1/pledges/new">.

    Define sorcery before_filter in pledges_controller:

    [ COMMIT ]

  14. My/Projects 5f0459e096 - My projects (CRUD)

    • TDD built CRUD for my projects (no scaffolding)

        rails g controller my/projects index new edit
    • generate my/project_flows for TDD

    • update routes to remove auto-gen entries and add :projects under namespace :my

    • clean out functional(controller) test stubs

    Note: for testing 404 page (when testing access restrictions),

    • Will see guard raise ActiveRecord::NotFoundException instead of display 404.html

    • change following settings in test.rb


    [ COMMIT ]

  15. Fix Nav issue (see comment for notes) 887f3aa075 - Bug Fix - Nav states

    Both my/projects and projects controllers have controller_name == 'projects'

    Instead of using controller_name, we now use a before_filter to set an instance variable @nav. This is more flexible but not the only way to solve this problem.

    [ COMMIT ]

  16. Email project owner when their project is backed 57e628c51a - Email project owner when pledge made

    • Generate mailer

        rails g mailer user_mailer
    • Explain ActionMailer::Base.deliveries for testing

    • Define last_mail and reset_mail in test_helper, for integration tests

    • Update pledge flows test case to expect last_email

    [ COMMIT ]

  17. Pagination 4f1b23573c - Pagination on projects index page

    • Install and generate config (8 per page) for kaminari
    • Update seeds file to create 50 projects (50.times)
    • Update integration test to expect only X items
    • Lastly, add the kaminari-bootstrap gem so it looks better

    [ COMMIT ]

  18. Image uploads through Carrierwave 81a59bf119 - Implement image upload for my projects

    • Install carrierwave into Gemfile

        rails g model image project:references file
    • add model validations and associations

        rails g uploader Image
        rails g controller my/images
    • nested resource in routes

    • Generate my/image_flows test case with 2 tests (success / fail)

    • Before committing, update .gitignore to include /public/uploads/*

    [ COMMIT ]

  19. Ability to delete projects 3e45bd33f2 - Ability to delete my project

    • Delete link_to will have a :confirm
    • Talk about Rails UJS (unless covered before)
    • How will capybara be able to handle confirm?
    • See capybara-webkit README on github search for confirm and find driver-specific API

    [ COMMIT ]

  20. Ability to search for projects

    • Using LIKE base search
  21. Some sort of AJAX functionality

    • Discussion / Commenting on projects (new model)
    • Deletion of images from index page
    • Pledge creation (which can fail - ajax submission and feedback)
  22. Visual polish

  • Add images to /projects
  • Cleanup projects#index and projects#show
  • Bootstrap slideshow or lightbox/colorbox for images? jquery plugin

##Stuff not covered (To discuss):

  • S3 storage w/ Fog
  • Deployment
  • Multiple asset manifest files (better understanding of the asset pipeline)
  • SimpleForm or Formtastic for better output
  • Quiet assets (minor)
  • Feature / hotfix branches (good git workflows)
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