This is a file for a tour and travel website that I created using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. The website allows users to browse and book various travel packages around the world. The website has the following features:
- A responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
- A navigation bar that contains links to the home page, about page, contact page and login page.
- A carousel that displays images of popular destinations and offers.
- A grid layout that showcases different travel categories such as adventure, beach, city and culture.
- A modal that pops up when a user clicks on a travel package, showing more details and a booking form.
- A footer that contains social media icons and other information.
The website uses the following technologies:
- HTML: The markup language that defines the structure and content of the website.
- CSS: The style sheet language that describes the appearance and layout of the website.
- Bootstrap: The framework that provides responsive components and utilities for the website.
- JavaScript: The scripting language that adds interactivity and functionality to the website.
The website follows the following conventions:
- The file name of the home page is index.html.
- The file names of the other pages are about.html, contact.html and login.html.
- The images are stored in the img folder.
- The CSS files are stored in the css folder.
- The JavaScript files are stored in the js folder.
- The Bootstrap files are stored in the bootstrap folder.
To run the website locally, you need to have a web browser and a web server. You can use any web server of your choice, such as Apache, Nginx or XAMPP. You can also use a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to edit the code. To view the website, you need to open the index.html file in your web browser or enter the URL of your web server in your web browser's address bar.