My first Python Django App using Django queries and the Django models API
This application is a mock auction site website similar (and simpler) to bid-or-buy and forms part of CS50 Web 2020. It is done without javascript or JS framework and focusses on using Django models and templates.
Video demonstrating the application:
- Python
- Django
- Sqlite
- Object relational models
- Django
python3 makemigrations auctions
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
- No Javascript or Javascript frameworks are used in this project.
- In hindsight 'bid' and 'comment' models should have a foreign key relationship to 'listing', because a bid and / or a comment cannot share more than one listing (I could be missing something).
- Error / exception handling has not been implemented extensively.
- There is a lot of repetition in the views that could be refactored using a layered approach, (separating business logic, db queries and views).
- There is much repetition in the html templates making frameworks like React and Vue, single-file-componentes and single page applications so appealing
- TODO: Use Django forms