A code generator for gRPC/protobuf .proto
files. Contains templates for generating Typescript definitions for the plain callback/streams based API for grpc-node and protobuf message types.
$ yarn/npm run grpc-code-generator [options] path/to/main.proto [path/to/another.proto]
Options can be specified on the command line or in a config file. If both are present, the command line options take precedence.
-o --out <out_dir>
Output directory (default: src-gen/)
-I --proto_path <include_dir>
Root path for resolving imports (may be specified multiple times, default: current working dir)
-t --templates <template1> [<template2> …]
Path to template modules used for generating code (default: builtin templates)
-c --config <file>
Path to JSON config file.
Config file
"out": "<out_dir>",
"proto_paths": [
"files": [
File | Content |
/<package>/index.d.ts |
Interfaces for message types |
/<package>/<ServiceName>/grpc-node.d.ts |
Client/server typings with standard grpc-node interface |
/message-base.d.ts |
Base message type with constructor |
/grpc.d.ts |
Object with constructor functions for messages and service descriptions (what grpc.load() returns) |
Parametrize your grpc-node's load()
function with the generated type description:
import { load } from 'grpc';
// Service type description for grpc.load()
import Description from './gen/grpc';
const grpc = load<Description>('src/tests/proto/test.proto');
Server side usage:
class TestService implements TestService {
unaryCall(call: ServerUnaryCall<Request>, callback: sendUnaryData<Response>): void {
callback(null, new grpc.Response());
streamResponse(call: ServerWriteableStream<Request>): void {
for (let i = 0; i < request.count; i++) {
call.write(new grpc.Response());
streamRequest(call: ServerReadableStream<Request>, callback: sendUnaryData<Response>): void {
.on('data', (data: Request) => {
/* */
.on('error', (error) => {
/* */
.on('end', () => {
callback(null, new grpc.Response());
streamBidi(call: ServerDuplexStream<Request, Response>): void {
.on('data', (data: Request) => {
call.write(new grpc.Response());
.on('error', (error) => {
/* */
.on('end', () => {
const server = new Server();
server.addService(grpc.TestService.service, new TestService());
server.bind('', ServerCredentials.createInsecure());
Client side usage:
import { credentials } from 'grpc';
// message types
import { Request, Response } from './gen';
// adapter types
import { Client } from './gen/TestService/grpc-node';
const client = new grpc.TestService('', credentials.createInsecure());
// unary request
client.unaryCall(new grpc.Request({ mode: 'normal' }), (err, response) => {
/* */
// streaming response
const stream1 = client.streamResponse(new grpc.Request())
.on('data', (response) => {
/* */
.on('error', (error) => {
/* */
.on('end', () => {
/* */
// streaming request
const requestStream = client.streamRequest(cb);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
requestStream.write(new grpc.Request({ mode: 'normal' }));
const stream = client.streamBidi()
.on('data', (response) => {
/* */
.on('error', (error) => {
/* */
.on('end', () => {
/* */
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
stream.write(new grpc.Request({ mode: 'normal' }));
// wait for responses, then
Getting the sources
$ git clone https://github.com/anfema/grpc-code-generator.git
# or
$ git clone git@github.com:anfema/grpc-code-generator.git
Install dependencies & build project
$ yarn
$ npm
- Build once:
$ yarn/npm run build
- Build, watch files:
$ yarn/npm run dev
- Remove generated files:
$ yarn/npm run clean