Programmers: André Araújo ( and Samira Oliveira (
Here we have a Python code that, using the sklearn library, has allowed us to train 3 machine learning models for the prediction of laboratory results.
We have made the simplest code to use.
If you don't have a dataset, use our example dataset.
Follow the steps:
- Run the libraries
- Run the functions
- If the libraries and functions run without problems, import your dataset.xlsx or dataset.csv.
- Now we are going to process your data. Change the variable "df" to the name of your dataset.
- Change the variable "suas_colunas" to the columns with numbers without commas.
- Next, the variable "df1_alt1" will remove the columns that you do not use. The variable "df1_alt2" will remove the lines that you do not use.
- Now change the FEATURES and the TARGETS to the columns you want to use.
- Finally, check that the lines of code work correctly.
- In this case, our code has 3 models to do predicts.
- Use the code with caution and thank you.