Not maintaining anymore..
Install Windows on any Cloud VM including Digitalocean , vultr...
3 files are included with different versions and size. choose one based on your needs.
Also if your provider supports you can install from ISO
wget -O- '' | dd of=/dev/vda bs=4M status=progress
1 Command Install (change disk var)
wget -O- '' | gunzip | dd of=/dev/vda bs=4M
You can now use below command to auto install Windows.
- Reboot your server in Recovery Mode.
- Mount your disk (on DigitalOcean press 1.
- Important: make sure to check where windows will be installed script will dedect your disk if not..
- Check your install by running.. df -h
- It will give you list of disks (example: /dev/vda)
- In shell choose Intractive mode or press 6 - On some hosts it may differ..
curl -o -fsSL && bash
- Once Windows is installed - Boot from Disk and access RDP using browser consol.
- At this point your windows will not have Internet so login and change Internet setting.
- On Windows 11 debolted , You need to open Brave or Trash on desktop to restart explorer ( on boot task bar is not showing...)
You can help by uploading images on some good ad-free cloud providers and make sure files will remain online for lone time.
If someone can host below files on DropxBox i will appericate.
Such persons can send me dropox invite link. and i will upload files to his account.
For more: create an issue at github :
I have tried on multiple provider all of them are good.
UpCloud is very good in terms of bandwidith and Internet Spped of server
DigitalOcean is cheap and has lot ok options to go with But network is very slow.
Use my referal link to get 200$ on digitalocean
GET 200$
VULTR Is also good if you are looking for more locations to spin your server.
But vultr servers and network is not that good.
:: Using my referral link for Digitalocean will give 100$ credits and i iwll get 25$.
:: Using my referral link for upcloud will give you 50$ and i will get 25$
I recommend not to install on windows on VM
Get a windows instance from valid provider. \
This one is pure windows 11 default windows settings and apps.
- For now do not use this, It takes lot of resources...
- It may not boot properly...
Username: Administrator
Password: Thuonghai001
Download Links
Tested on : Digitalocean : 4GB ram and is not smooth..
This version is extreamly debolted and removed all microsoft apps. \
- Updates are disabled.
- Tightvnc installed with same password
- Installed some vc++
- Installed MalwareBytes (To make sure no bugs)
- Installed Brave Browser
- Uninstalled all windows app
- Uninstalled Edge and other win Softwares
NOTE: After installation it may take few seconds as this is debolted version so microsoft will look for its apps.
Also you may not see task bar - Open Brave Browser on desktop and all background processes will exit.
Setup Network from web console...
Username : Amjad
Password: amjiddader
TightVNC PASS: amjiddader
Tested on: Digitalocean Regular 4Gb - 2CPU -- it uses very less RAM and runs very smooth.
This is just a copy of whatuptime ... credits to them.
Username : Administrator
Password: P@ssword64
Installation :
wget O url | gunzip | dd of=/dev/vda bs=1M
Alternative you can download image file using aria2c exampele you downloaded win11_gz file in /temp folder
In below command first dd= /dev/vda is your disk where you want to install os.
In below command gzip -c /win_11.gz if os file.
dd if=/dev/vda | gzip -c >/temp/win_11.gz bs=1M
Using wget ...
wget -O- 'https.............' | gunzip | dd of=/dev/vda bs=1M
Using Aria2
aria2c -s 16 -x 16 "https.........." -o | gunzip | dd of=/dev/vda bs=1M
To install windows OS on your linux server.
Check which disk you are using in case you have 2 disks you can install eaith on one and then use windows Disk manager to play with disks.
to check disk run: df -h
you will get something like /dev/sda or /dev/vda for multiple disks it will show /dev/vda0 - /dev/vda1
You can use wget to download based on your server your speed maybe slow,
You can then use Aria2 using 2 methods. \
- Download & run gunzip command.. aria2c -s 16 -x 16 "https.........." -o | gunzip | dd of=/dev/vda bs=1M \
- First download then run gunzip .. aria2c -s 16 -x 16 "https.........." -o os.gz ....
Also make sure you add download url between braces '' or "" (if url has ? or some other string cli takes that as a break
Get ISO file from windows or use below windows 11 (english)x64 iso
For MAC os it is not possible to run MAC on all VM and ARCH
I have build MAC OS (12) image and successfully installed on DigitalOcean VM.
But it took me 10 days to make things work and trust me nothing on internet helped me.
Modified few macos source to ignore on error - usually MAC OS is very strict on unknown errors and i saw about 100 HLAT values for erros. \
Problem: Lot of things are not working including keyboard but i managed to use keyboard using Virtual Keyboard.
Most of the useful i.e: browser, wifi etc are working..
Problem2 . You need Intel Server AMD does not work.
You need to have atleast 8GB ram (it never used over 4GB but)
You need to have atleast 40GB ssd (About 26GB was used by OS)
You need have atleast 4 Cores to run MacOS
I have created MacOS raw(16GB) gz(13) and i can not find any way to upload.
Nor i have too much space on my persoanl Drive, Not Sourceforge allow too much space.
And is slow and never tried to upload such big file.
You are always welcome to create an ISSUE for help, how-to.
Do not ask for MAC_12.gz image as it is 13GB + Needs lot of passion & CPU.