Optimization of trading strategy hyperparameters with combinatorial cross validation and stress tesing
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- Python: You can download it from python.org.
- Git: You can download it from git-scm.com.
pip install git+https://github.com/alex33d/backtest_optimizer.git
To start using the Optimizer, you need to import the ParameterOptimizer
class from backtest_optimizer/main.py
. The main functions are:
Initialize the Optimizer:
from backtest_optimizer.main import ParameterOptimizer optimizer = ParameterOptimizer(calc_pl)
: A function for calculating strategy profit and loss. It must accept a dictionary with data in the form{ticker: DataFrame}
, and returns pandas Series with returns for each period.
Train/Test Split:
optimizer.split_data(data_dict, train_end)
: Dictionary containing data in the form{ticker: DataFrame}
: The train end date in the form of a pandas DateTime.
Create Combinatorial Cross Validation Groups:
optimizer.create_combcv_dict(n_splits, n_test_splits)
: Total number of groups.n_test_splits
: Number of test groups.
Run the Optimization Algorithm:
optimizer.optimize(params=params_dict, n_jobs=3, n_runs=10, best_trials_pct=0.25)
: The parameter dictionary with hyperparameter space for Optuna optimization.n_jobs
: Number of parallel workers.n_runs
: Number of Optuna trials.best_trials_pct
: Percentage of trials that go to the validation set.
Reconstruct Equity Curves:
- Reconstructs the equity curves based on validation sets.
Run Stress Tests:
- Runs backtest stress tests.
Select Best Parameters:
best_params = optimizer.cluster_and_aggregate()
- Selects the best parameters via clustering.
Calculate Out-of-Sample Sharpe Ratio:
- Tests the best parameters on the test set.
Here’s a complete example of how you might use the Optimizer class:
from backtest_optimizer.main import ParameterOptimizer
# Define your profit and loss calculation function
def calc_pl(data):
# Calculate P&L logic here
# Initialize the optimizer
optimizer = ParameterOptimizer(calc_pl)
# Split data into train and test sets
data_dict = {'AAPL': data_frame_aapl, 'GOOG': data_frame_goog}
train_end = pd.to_datetime('2023-01-01')
optimizer.split_data(data_dict, train_end)
# Create combinatorial cross-validation groups
optimizer.create_combcv_dict(n_splits=5, n_test_splits=1)
# Define parameter dictionary for optimization
params_dict = {
'param1': [0, 1, 2],
'param2': [0, 10, 20]
# Run optimization
optimizer.optimize(params=params_dict, n_jobs=3, n_runs=10, best_trials_pct=0.25)
# Reconstruct equity curves
# Run stress tests
# Select best parameters
best_params = optimizer.cluster_and_aggregate()
# Calculate out-of-sample Sharpe ratio
oos_sharpe = optimizer.calc_oos_sharpe(best_params)
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- Follow the PEP 8 style guide for Python code.
- Write descriptive commit messages.
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