This is a Rails application that stores transactions (movements or spendings) in a database, organized in categories, allowing to administrate your budget, by calculating the totals for each category. It uses Devise for authentication. Though it is designed for the mobile device, you could well use it from your browser.
- Ruby
- Rails
- RSpec - Capybara - Database Cleaner for testing
- Letter opener gem
- Devise for Authentication
- Git and Github using GitFlow
- Install Postgre SQL, ensure a username 'postgres' with password: 'cualespos31' is available
- git clone
- cd MySpendings
- bundle install
- rails db:reset (to setup the database and load sample data)
- rails s
- Navigate to localhost:3000
- rspec
👤 Aldo Colombo
- GitHub: @acolombo1
- Twitter: @aldocolombo
- LinkedIn: Aldo Colombo
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.
Original design idea by Gregoire Vella on Behance, which is Creative Commons licensed.