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abdrysdale committed Feb 5, 2024
0 parents commit a485b2c
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,376 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
674 changes: 674 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE

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224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions app/main.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
program main

use kind_parameter
use cust_fns
use data_types
use inputs
use elastance
use funcs
use ieee_arithmetic
implicit none

! Declares initial variables
integer :: nstep, ncycle, rk, i, icycle, k, io, nan_count, inf_count, offset
real(dp) :: T, pini_sys, pini_pulm, h, t_val
type (arterial_network) :: a_cof
type (chambers) :: h_cof
type (valve) :: AV, MV, PV, TV
type (valve_system) :: v_cof
real(dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ELV, ELA, ERV, ERA
type (heart_elastance) :: elast, elast_half
real(dp) :: current_sol(22)
real(dp), allocatable :: sol(:, :)
real(dp), allocatable :: h_pres(:, :)
real(dp), allocatable :: t_axis(:)
real(dp), dimension(22) :: k1, k2, k3, k4
character(len=50), dimension(22) :: headers
real(dp) :: scale_Rsys, scale_Csys, scale_Rpulm, scale_Cpulm
real(dp) :: scale_Emax, scale_EmaxLV, scale_EmaxRV
real(dp) :: rho
type (arterial_system) :: sys
type (arterial_system) :: pulm
type (chamber) :: LV, LA, RV, RA

! Declares the namelists
namelist /INPUTS/ nstep, T, ncycle, pini_sys, pini_pulm, rk
namelist /VALVES/ AV, MV, PV, TV
namelist /ARTERIES/ scale_Rsys, scale_Csys, scale_Rpulm, scale_Cpulm, rho, sys, pulm
namelist /HEART/ scale_EmaxLV, scale_EmaxRV, scale_Emax, LV, LA, RV, RA

!!! Initialisation !!!
! Defines initial variables
io = 42
open(action='read', file='inputs.nml', newunit=io)
read(nml=INPUTS, unit=io)
read(nml=VALVES, unit=io)
read(nml=ARTERIES, unit=io)
read(nml=HEART, unit=io)

headers = [ character(len=50) :: 'Aortic Valve Flow', &
'Sinus Flow','Aortic Flow', &
'Tricuspid Valve Flow', &
'Pulmonary Valve Flow', &
'Arterial Flow', &
'Aterioles Flow', &
'Mitral Valve Flow', &
'Systemic Sinus Pressure', &
'Systemic Artery Pressure', &
'Systemic Venous Pressure', &
'Pulmonary Sinus Pressure', &
'Pulmonary Artery Pressure', &
'Pulmonary Venous Pressure', &
'Left Ventricular Volume', &
'Left Atrial Volume', &
'Right Ventricular Volume', &
'Right Atrial Volume', &
'Aortic Valve Status', &
'Mitral Valve Status',&
'Pulmonary Valve Status', &
'Tricuspid Valve Status']

! Relevant arterial coefficients
call artery_input(sys, pulm, scale_Rsys, scale_Csys, scale_Rpulm, scale_Cpulm)
a_cof = arterial_network(sys, pulm, rho)

! Relevant heart coefficients
call heart_input(LV, LA, RV, RA, T, scale_EmaxLV, scale_EmaxRV, scale_Emax)
h_cof = chambers(LV, LA, RV, RA)

! Relevant valve coefficients
v_cof = valve_system(AV, MV, PV, TV)

!!! Main code !!!
! Calculates elastance curves for the different chambers of the heart
h = T / real(nstep, dp)
t_val = 0.0_dp
do i = 1, nstep
t_axis(i) = t_val
t_val = t_val + h
end do
ELV = calc_elastance(h_cof%LV, nstep, T, t_axis)
ELA = calc_elastance(h_cof%LA, nstep, T, t_axis)
ERV = calc_elastance(h_cof%RV, nstep, T, t_axis)
ERA = calc_elastance(h_cof%RA, nstep, T, t_axis)

! Saves the heart information at the points
elast = heart_elastance(ELV=ELV, ELA=ELA, ERV=ERV, ERA=ERA)
elast_half = heart_elastance(ELV=midpoint(ELV), &
ELA=midpoint(ELA), &
ERV=midpoint(ERV), &

! Initialise the solution
allocate(sol(22, ncycle * nstep + 1))

sol(1, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Flow through aortic valve
sol(2, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Flow through sinus
sol(3, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Flow through aorta
sol(4, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Flow through tricuspid
sol(5, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Flow through pulmonary
sol(6, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Flow through arteries
sol(7, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Flow through arterioles
sol(8, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Flow through mitral valve

sol(9, 1) = pini_sys ! Initial arterial pressure
sol(10, 1) = pini_sys ! Initial arterial pressure
sol(11, 1) = pini_sys ! Initial arterial pressure
sol(12, 1) = pini_pulm ! Initial pulmonary pressure
sol(13, 1) = pini_pulm ! Initial pulmonary pressure
sol(14, 1) = pini_pulm ! Initial pulmonary pressure

sol(15, 1) = h_cof%LV%v0_2 ! End diastolic left ventricular volume
sol(16, 1) = h_cof%LA%v0_2 ! End diastolic left atrial volume
sol(17, 1) = h_cof%RV%v0_2 ! End diastolic right ventricular volume
sol(18, 1) = h_cof%RA%v0_2 ! End diastolic right atrial volume

sol(19, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Aortic valve is initially closed.
sol(20, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Mitral valve is initially closed.
sol(21, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Pulmonary valve is initially closed.
sol(22, 1) = 0.0_dp ! Tricuspid valve is initially closed.

! Solves the system of equations using a 4th order Runge-Kutta method
i = 0 ! Initialise

do icycle = 1, ncycle
print *, 'Cycle: ', icycle
do k = 1, nstep
i = i + 1
current_sol = sol(:, i)
if (rk == 2) then ! Second order Runge-Kutta
k1 = h * solver(current_sol, a_cof, v_cof, h_cof, elast, k)
k2 = h * solver(current_sol + k1/2, a_cof, v_cof, h_cof, elast, k)
sol(:, i+1) = current_sol + k2
else if (rk == 4) then ! Fourth order Runge-Kutta
k1 = h * solver(current_sol, a_cof, v_cof, h_cof, elast, k)
k2 = h * solver(current_sol + k1/2, a_cof, v_cof, h_cof, elast, k)
k3 = h * solver(current_sol + k2/2, a_cof, v_cof, h_cof, elast, k)
if ( k /= nstep ) then
k4 = h * solver(current_sol + k3, a_cof, v_cof, h_cof, elast, k+1)
k4 = h * solver(current_sol + k3, a_cof, v_cof, h_cof, elast, 1)
end if
sol(:, i + 1) = current_sol + (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6
end if
end do
end do

! Calculates ventricular pressures
allocate(h_pres(4, nstep))
offset = (ncycle - 1) * nstep + 2
h_pres(1, :) = ELV * (sol(15, offset:) - LV%v0_1)
h_pres(2, :) = ELA * (sol(16, offset:) - LA%v0_1)
h_pres(3, :) = ERV * (sol(17, offset:) - RV%v0_1)
h_pres(4, :) = ERA * (sol(18, offset:) - RA%v0_1)

! Saves the solution
io = 42
nan_count = 0
inf_count = 0
open(newunit=io, file='output.csv', status='replace')
do i=offset, ncycle * nstep
do k=1, 22
if ( i == offset ) then
write(io, fmt="(A, A)", advance='no') trim(headers(k)), ','
if ( k == 22 ) then
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Left Ventricular Pressure,'
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Left Atrial Pressure,'
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Right Ventricular Pressure,'
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Right Atrial Pressure,'
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Left Ventricular Elastance,'
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Left Atrial Elastance,'
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Right Ventricular Elastance,'
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Right Atrial Elastance,'
write(io, fmt="(A)", advance='no') 'Time (s)'
end if
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') sol(k, i), ','
if ( k == 22 ) then
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') h_pres(1, i - offset), ','
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') h_pres(2, i - offset), ','
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') h_pres(3, i - offset), ','
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') h_pres(4, i - offset), ','
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') ELV(i - offset), ','
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') ELA(i - offset), ','
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') ERV(i - offset), ','
write(io, fmt="(f15.8, A)", advance='no') ERA(i - offset), ','
write(io, fmt="(f15.8)", advance='no') t_axis(i - offset)
end if

if (ieee_is_nan(sol(k, i))) then
nan_count = nan_count + 1
else if (.not. ieee_is_finite(sol(k, i))) then
inf_count = inf_count + 1
end if
end if
end do
write(io, *) ! New line
end do

if (nan_count > 0) then
print *, 'NaN values found in solution.'
print *, '% NaN values:', 100.0_dp * nan_count / size(sol)
print *, '% Inf values:', 100.0_dp * inf_count / size(sol)
print *, 'Converged!'
print *, 'Mean value:', sum(sol) / size(sol)
end if
end program main
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions fpm.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "full_tree_lumped"
version = "0.1.0"
license = "license"
author = "Alex Drysdale"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "Copyright 2022, Alex Drysdale"
auto-executables = true
auto-tests = false
auto-examples = true
library = false
toml-f.git = ""
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/cust_fns.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module cust_fns

use kind_parameter
implicit none

public midpoint


pure function midpoint(x) result(mp)

! Declares initial variables
real(dp), allocatable, intent(in) :: x(:)
integer :: i
real(dp) :: dx(size(x) - 1)
real(dp) :: mp(size(x) - 1)

do i = 1, size(dx)
dx(i) = x(i + 1) - x(i)
end do
mp = x(1:size(x)-1) + dx / 2
end function midpoint
end module cust_fns
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions src/data_types.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module data_types

use kind_parameter
implicit none

public chamber, chambers
public arterial_system, arterial_network
public valve, valve_system
public heart_elastance

! Declares the type for each chamber
type :: chamber
real(dp) :: Ks
real(dp) :: Emin
real(dp) :: Emax
real(dp) :: V0_1
real(dp) :: V0_2
real(dp) :: m1
real(dp) :: m2
real(dp) :: tau1
real(dp) :: tau2
real(dp) :: onset
end type

! Declares the type for all 4 heart chambers
type :: chambers
type (chamber) :: LV
type (chamber) :: LA
type (chamber) :: RV
type (chamber) :: RA
end type

! Declare artery system
type :: arterial_system
real(dp) :: Ras
real(dp) :: Rat
real(dp) :: Rar
real(dp) :: Rcp
real(dp) :: Rvn
real(dp) :: Cas
real(dp) :: Cat
real(dp) :: Cvn
real(dp) :: Las
real(dp) :: Lat
end type

! Declares the complete network
type :: arterial_network
type (arterial_system) :: sys
type (arterial_system) :: pulm
real(dp) :: rho
end type

! Declares the valve type
type :: valve
real(dp) :: Leff ! cm
real(dp) :: Aeffmin
real(dp) :: Aeffmax
real(dp) :: Kvc
real(dp) :: Kvo
end type

! Declares a system of valves
type :: valve_system
type (valve) :: AV ! Aortic
type (valve) :: MV ! Mitral
type (valve) :: PV ! Pulmonary
type (valve) :: TV ! Tricuspid
end type

! Declares the heart elastance type
type :: heart_elastance
real(dp), allocatable :: ELV(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: ELA(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: ERV(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: ERA(:)
end type

end module data_types

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