. . . a Domain-Driven Design toolkit.
Add ex_domain_toolkit
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
For example:
{:ex_domain_toolkit, ">= 0.1.0", github: "YauHsien/ex_domain_toolkit", branch: "main"}
In config/config.exs
, put configuration of registry for repository,
import Config
config :ex_domain_toolkit,
registry: MyRepoRegistry
Then note about its usage as what descripted as followings.
To define a repository, you may want to code a snippet as:
import YDToolkit
repository MyRepository do
alias YDToolkit.Stereotype.Repository
@spec create(struct()) ::
{:ok, Repository.entry()} |
{:error, term()}
getter create(init_struct) do
entry_key = encode(init_struct.id)
case GenServer.call(__MODULE__, {:put_entry, entry_key, init_struct}) do
:ok ->
{:ok, {__MODULE__, entry_key}}
other -> other
defp encode(x), do: x
Repository is a GenServer
in essence, and it keeps track set of ValueObjects
and Entities. Repository operations is based on Repository.entry()
To make a repository work, an application need bring things up.
defmodule Example.Application do
use Application
def start(_start_type, _start_args) do
{Registry, keys: :unique, name: MyRepoRegistry},
{MyRepository, name: MyRepo}
strategy: :one_for_one,
name: Example.Supervisor
Note that when you have an alias MyRepoRegistry
for registry of repository
in config/config.exs
, your application need start a registry of that name
first. Then repositories following up including the repository MyRepository
use the registry for itself to be kept in the supervisor tree.
To define a value object, the code may be like that:
import YDToolkit
value_object MyValueObject do
alias MyRepository
use TypedStruct
typedstruct do
field :repository, :atom, enforce: true
field :entry_key, Registry.key, enforce: true
@sepc create(Repository.entry) :: t
constructor create({repo, key}) do
repository: repo,
entry_key: key
A value object is defined as some object kept track in a repository, and thus
you will be able to query it from a repository by using a Registry.entry
which has the repository name and the registry key of that value object.
A Factory is a module which is to build structures.
import YDToolkit
factory MyFactory do
alias MyRepository
alias MyValueObject
@spec create(MyRepository.entry) :: t
value_object create({_repo, _key} = entry) do