All scripts, libraries and documentation needed to build the VEAF Open Training Mission
- DCS World 2.5+
- 7za.exe in your path get 7zip Extra here
- git
- the VEAF_mission_library git repository checked out somewhere
- an IDE (notepad++, visual studio code...)
By default the mission is generated in the build folder, using a pattern that adds the current date in ISO format to the prefix OT_Causacus_
If you want to override the default, simply set the MISSION_FILE variable to something else
Example :
# set MISSION_FILE="c:\users\bozo\Saved Games\DCS\missions\VEAF_OT.miz"
Never make changes in scripts and in mission editor at the same time. Always use this defined process:
Let's say you opened the OpenTraining mission in the editor and changed some things (e.g. added a few planes and waypoints).
You need to extract the content of the .miz file into the src folder, in order to push it to Github.
Simply copy your edited mission file to the VEAF-Open-Training-Mission folder and rename it to to-extract.miz ; then run the extract command.
When you need to test or deploy the mission from source, you need to build it.
Fortunately it's very easy : simply open a command prompt in the VEAF-Open-Training-Mission folder and run the build command.
It will compile the mission file and tell you where it is stored.
# build
MISSION_FILE = .\build\OT_Causacus_20182708.miz
Built .\build\OT_Causacus_20182708.miz