This website can be used to look and filter through the data created in the CollabJam CHI 2025 study. The tool is based on Jekyll and Datatables.
To run this tool, simply open the ./_site/index.html
file in a web-browser.
Install Jekyyl to develop and serve the website.
The dataset is based on the tacton metadata created in the latest study and was transformed to csv tabular data.
contains the unaltered data from CollabJam application (but obviously transformed to csv)metadata_w_img.csv
simply adds the paths to a screenshot to each tacton. The path is within an image tag, which is needed to render the screenshots in the tool.metadata_w_img_renamed.csv
includes changes to the prompts and adds comments to the data based on a manual data/video review.- Added prompt values for most tactons (based on tacton name, visual inspection and video review)
- Added comments for :ij
- Tactons chosen for review (REVIEW-TACTON ....)
- When the intention/prompt was unclear
- When the tacton was just used to check functionality of the system or for learning the system