A command line tool to manage Go binaries installed in your GOPATH/bin
directory. It helps you list installed binaries, check their versions, and upgrade them to the latest available versions.
go install github.com/TBXark/gbvm@latest
Usage: gbvm list [options]
List all installed Go binaries
show help
json mode
show version
Usage: gbvm install [options] <backup file>
Install Go binaries from backup file
show help
Usage: gbvm upgrade [options] [bin1 bin2 ...]
Upgrade Go binaries
show help
skip dev version
Installs binaries from a backup JSON file.
# Install binaries from backup
gbvm install backup.json
# List all installed binaries with their versions
gbvm list -versions
# List binaries in JSON format
gbvm list -json
# Upgrade a specific binary
gbvm upgrade bin1 bin2
# Upgrade all binaries except development versions
gbvm upgrade
gbvm is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.