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Brendan Hagan edited this page Feb 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

streamsgood-mtg is a collection of NodeCG bundles for streaming Magic the Gathering.

It's relatively specific to my needs, but with luck will serve as a starting point for others.

Required Installations

  1. Install NodeJS using the installers are
  2. Install NodeCG by either downloading the repository or cloning it with git.

Using a terminal or command shell, execute the following to install NodeCG's dependencies.

# If using git
git clone

cd nodecg
npm install --production
  1. Download or Clone the streamsgood-mtg bundles into the /bundles directory of NodeCG.

Using a terminal or command shell, execute the following to install the bundle dependencies. Bower is a requirement for the time being, so that will need to be installed globally as a pre-requisite.

# If using git
git clone --recurse-submodules ./bundles

# Install bower as a global package.
npm install -g bower

cd ./bundles
node install_all.js

The install script will traverse each of the submodules and install their npm and bower dependencies.

  1. Verify that NodeCG spins up.
# Navigate to the root NodeCG directory.
cd nodecg

# Execute the server startup script.
node index.js

The terminal will likely output some configuration errors and fail to connect to OBS, which we can resolve later, but should start up and indicate a URL on which it has done so.

PS C:\git\nodecg> node .\index.js
[nodecg] No config found, using defaults.
info: [nodecg/lib/server] Starting NodeCG 1.5.0 (Running on Node.js v11.14.0)
info: [nodecg/lib/server/extensions] Mounted nodecg-countdown extension
info: [nodecg/lib/server/extensions] Mounted simple-obs extension
info: [nodecg/lib/server/extensions] Mounted streamsgood extension
info: [nodecg/lib/server] NodeCG running on http://localhost:9090
  1. Navigate to the localhost url + port indicated in the terminal and verify that the page loads.
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