This article explains how to integrate and use the PopinAndroidSDK
library to add video calling functionality in your Android application. The SDK is easy to integrate and comes with pre-built classes like PopinConnectingDialog
to handle video call connection states.
First, ensure that your project has the correct dependency for the PopinAndroidSDK
Open your project’s
and add the JitPack repository to resolve the Popin library.dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode.set(RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS) repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url '' } } }
Add the following dependency to your
file:dependencies { implementation 'com.github.Springr-Creatives:PopinAndroidSDK:1.5.9' }
Update your AndroidManifest.xml with
<meta-data android:name="to.popin.androidsdk.POPIN_TOKEN" android:value="<your_token_here>" /> <activity android:name="" android:configChanges="screenSize|smallestScreenSize|screenLayout|orientation|keyboardHidden" android:excludeFromRecents="true" android:exported="true" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:showWhenLocked="true" android:supportsPictureInPicture="true" />
Once the SDK is added, initialize the Popin service in your activity. This is typically done in the onCreate
method of your main activity.
Popin.init(MainActivity.this,"test_user", "9876543210");
This method prepares the SDK to handle video calls.
Next, you can create a button in your layout XML file (e.g., activity_main.xml
) to trigger a video call:
android:text="Start Call"/>
In your
, locate the Button
and add an OnClickListener
to initiate the call:
Button buttonCall = findViewById(;
buttonCall.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// Show "Connecting..." dialog
PopinConnectingDialog cdd = new PopinConnectingDialog(MainActivity.this);;
// Start the video call and handle call events
Popin.getInstance().startCall(new PopinEventsListener() {
public void onCallStart() {
// The call has started
public void onQueuePositionChanged(int i) {
// Update UI based on queue position (if applicable)
public void onAllExpertsBusy() {
// Dismiss the dialog if all experts are busy
public void onCallConnected() {
// Dismiss the dialog when the call connects
public void onCallFailed() {
// Dismiss the dialog if the call fails
public void onCallDisconnected() {
// Handle call disconnection logic here
- onCallStart(): Triggered when the call starts connecting.
- onQueuePositionChanged(int i): Provides updates if the call is in a queue.
- onAllExpertsBusy(): Called when all call participants (experts) are busy.
- onCallConnected(): Called when the call successfully connects.
- onCallFailed(): Called when the call fails to connect.
- onCallDisconnected(): Called when the call disconnects.
is a custom dialog that appears while the call is connecting. It shows a "Please Wait" message to the user. You can customize this dialog by editing the layout or message as needed.
PopinConnectingDialog cdd = new PopinConnectingDialog(MainActivity.this);;
This ensures the user has visual feedback while the call is being connected.