Encoder-Decoder model with attention mechanism.
Used Glove pre-trained vectors to initialize word embedding.
Used LSTM cell with stack_bidirectional_dynamic_rnn.
Used LSTM BasicDecoder for training, and BeamSearchDecoder for inference.
Used BahdanauAttention with weight normalization.
Dataset is available at harvardnlp/sent-summary. Locate the summary.tar.gz file in project root directory. Then,
$ python prep_data.py
To use Glove pre-trained embedding, download it via
$ python prep_data.py --glove
We used sumdata/train/train.article.txt
and sumdata/train/train.title.txt
for training data. To train the model, use
$ python train.py
To use Glove pre-trained vectors as initial embedding, use
$ python train.py --glove
$ python train.py -h
usage: train.py [-h] [--num_hidden NUM_HIDDEN] [--num_layers NUM_LAYERS]
[--beam_width BEAM_WIDTH] [--glove]
[--embedding_size EMBEDDING_SIZE]
[--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS] [--keep_prob KEEP_PROB] [--toy]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--num_hidden NUM_HIDDEN
Network size.
--num_layers NUM_LAYERS
Network depth.
--beam_width BEAM_WIDTH
Beam width for beam search decoder.
--glove Use glove as initial word embedding.
--embedding_size EMBEDDING_SIZE
Word embedding size.
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
Learning rate.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size.
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
Number of epochs.
--keep_prob KEEP_PROB
Dropout keep prob.
--toy Use only 5K samples of data
Generate summary of each article in sumdata/train/valid.article.filter.txt
$ python test.py
It will generate result summary file result.txt
. Check out ROUGE metrics between result.txt
and sumdata/train/valid.title.filter.txt
using pltrdy/files2rouge.
"general motors corp. said wednesday its us sales fell ##.# percent in december and four percent in #### with the biggest losses coming from passenger car sales ."
> Model output: gm us sales down # percent in december
> Actual title: gm december sales fall # percent
"japanese share prices rose #.## percent thursday to <unk> highest closing high for more than five years as fresh gains on wall street fanned upbeat investor sentiment , dealers said ."
> Model output: tokyo shares close # percent higher
> Actual title: tokyo shares close up # percent
"hong kong share prices opened #.## percent higher thursday on follow-through interest in properties after wednesday 's sharp gains on abating interest rate worries , dealers said ."
> Model output: hong kong shares open higher
> Actual title: hong kong shares open higher as rate worries ease
"the dollar regained some lost ground in asian trade thursday in what was seen as a largely technical rebound after weakness prompted by expectations of a shift in us interest rate policy , dealers said ."
> Model output: dollar stable in asian trade
> Actual title: dollar regains ground in asian trade
"the final results of iraq 's december general elections are due within the next four days , a member of the iraqi electoral commission said on thursday ."
> Model output: iraqi election results due in next four days
> Actual title: iraqi election final results out within four days
"microsoft chairman bill gates late wednesday unveiled his vision of the digital lifestyle , outlining the latest version of his windows operating system to be launched later this year ."
> Model output: bill gates unveils new technology vision
> Actual title: gates unveils microsoft 's vision of digital lifestyle