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A library for generating slug based on the input string and the ability to configure parameters ✏️


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A library for generating slug based on the input string and the ability to configure parameters ✏️


✏️ Summary

SlugPress is a lightweight and flexible library for generating slugs from strings. A slug is a URL-friendly representation of a string, often used in creating readable and SEO-friendly URLs.

✏️ Features

  • Removes special characters;
  • Converts to lowercase, uppercase, or keeps the original case;
  • Removes stop words;
  • Supports custom replacements;
  • Allows custom separators;
  • Trims slugs to a maximum length while preserving whole words.

✏️ Installation

Install via npm:

npm install slug-press

or via yarn:

yarn add slug-press

✏️ Usage

Import slugPress and SlugPressOptions (optional) and use it in your project:

import { slugPress, SlugPressOptions } from 'slug-press';

const options: SlugPressOptions = {
  separator: '-',
  removeSpecialChars: true,
  caseStyle: 'lowercase',
  maxLength: 50,
  stopWords: ['the', 'a', 'of'],
  customReplacements: [['&', 'and']],

const slug = slugPress('The Quick & Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog!', options);
console.log(slug); // Output: "quick-brown-fox-jumps-over-lazy-dog"

✏️ API

slugPress(input: string, options?: SlugPressOptions): string

Generates a slug from the provided input string based on the specified options.


  • input: The string to be transformed into a slug;
  • options (optional): Configuration options for customizing slug generation.
Option Type Default Description
separator string '-' The character used to separate words in the slug.
removeSpecialChars boolean true If true, removes non-alphanumeric characters (except spaces).
caseStyle string 'original' Defines the case style of the slug ('original', 'lowercase', 'uppercase').
maxLength number Infinity Maximum length of the slug (whole words only).
stopWords string[] [] List of words to exclude from the slug.
customReplacements [string, string][] [] Array of custom replacements (e.g., replace & with and).

✏️ Examples

Basic Usage:

const slug = slugPress('Hello, World!');
console.log(slug); // Output: "hello-world"

Custom Separator:

const slug = slugPress('Hello World', { separator: '_' });
console.log(slug); // Output: "Hello_World"

Remove Stop Words:

const slug = slugPress('A Journey to the Center of the Earth', {
  stopWords: ['a', 'the', 'of']
console.log(slug); // Output: "Journey-to-Center-Earth"

Custom Replacements:

const slug = slugPress('Rock & Roll', {
  customReplacements: [['&', 'and']]
console.log(slug); // Output: "Rock-and-Roll"

Enforce Maximum Length:

const slug = slugPress('This is a very long title that exceeds the maximum length', {
  maxLength: 20
console.log(slug); // Output: "This-is-a-very"

✏️ Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.

✏️ License

slug-press is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

✏️ Contact

If you want to contact me, please see my socials medias in my GitHub profile.


A library for generating slug based on the input string and the ability to configure parameters ✏️





