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Implement improvements to ARec (VinylRecords#150, VinylRecords#153)
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* Move from Array to SmallArray# to avoid intermediate list during construction
* Use class instead of recursive function in toARec for improved inlining
* Add (&:), arnil and arec presudo-constructors
  • Loading branch information
Philonous committed May 19, 2021
1 parent 8637345 commit 124f7ad
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Showing 10 changed files with 354 additions and 54 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Data/Vinyl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Data.Vinyl.Core
import Data.Vinyl.Class.Method (RecMapMethod(..), RecPointed(..))
import Data.Vinyl.Class.Method (rmapMethodF, mapFields)
import Data.Vinyl.Class.Method (rtraverseInMethod, rsequenceInFields)
import Data.Vinyl.ARec (ARec, toARec, fromARec)
import Data.Vinyl.ARec (ARec, toARec, fromARec, ARecBuilder, arec, (&:), arnil)
import Data.Vinyl.Derived
import Data.Vinyl.FromTuple (record, fieldRec, ruple, xrec, xrecX, xrecTuple)
import Data.Vinyl.Functor (ElField(..))
Expand Down
33 changes: 28 additions & 5 deletions Data/Vinyl/ARec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

-- | Constant-time field accessors for extensible records. The
-- trade-off is the usual lists vs arrays one: it is fast to add an
-- element to the head of a list, but element access is linear time;
-- array access time is uniform, but extending the array is more
-- slower.
-- | An 'ARec' (array backed record) is an extensible record using an array to
-- store its fields. It has constant time access to fields, but fields cannot be
-- shared between records.
-- = Usage
-- ARecs can be constructed via 'ARecBuilder'
-- Example (requires -XOverloadedLabels):
-- > import Data.Vinyl.Derived ((=:))
-- >
-- > user :: ARec ElField '[ "name" ::: String
-- > , "age" ::: Int
-- > , "active" ::: Bool]
-- > user = arec ( #name =: "Peter"
-- > &: #age =: 4
-- > &: #active =: True
-- > &: arnil
-- > )
-- You can also convert a 'Rec' to an 'ARec' via 'toARec'
module Data.Vinyl.ARec
( ARec -- Exported abstractly
, ARecBuilder -- Exported abstractly
, arec
, (&:)
, arnil
, IndexableField
, toARec
, fromARec
Expand Down
199 changes: 170 additions & 29 deletions Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
Expand All @@ -17,15 +19,32 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Constant-time field accessors for extensible records. The
-- trade-off is the usual lists vs arrays one: it is fast to add an
-- element to the head of a list, but element access is linear time;
-- array access time is uniform, but extending the array is more
-- slower.

-- Tradeoffs:
-- * No sharing of the spine (i.e. when you change elements in the front of the
-- record the tail can't be re-used)

-- * ARec requires (4 + n) words + size of the fields
-- * 1 for the constructor
-- * 1 for the pointer to the SmallArray#
-- * The SmallArray# has 2 words as header (1 for GC, 1 number of elements)
-- * 1 pointer per element to the actual data
-- * Rec requires (1 + 2n) words + size of Fields
module Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal
( ARec (..)
, IndexableField
, ARecBuilder (..)
, arec
, (&:)
, arnil
, toARec
, fromARec
, aget
Expand All @@ -39,28 +58,41 @@ module Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal
import Data.Vinyl.Core
import Data.Vinyl.Lens (RecElem(..), RecSubset(..))
import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel
import GHC.ST

import qualified Data.Array as Array
import qualified Data.Array.Base as BArray
import GHC.Exts (Any)
import GHC.Exts (Any)
import Unsafe.Coerce
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
import Data.Constraint.Forall (Forall)
import Data.Coerce (Coercible)
import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion (..))
import Data.Coerce (Coercible)
import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion (..))

import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Types

-- | An array-backed extensible record with constant-time field
-- access.
newtype ARec (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]) = ARec (Array.Array Int Any)
data ARec (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]) = ARec !(SmallArray# Any)
type role ARec representational nominal

-- | Get the ith element from the ARec
:: forall a k (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]).
ARec f ts
-> Int
-> a
unsafeIxARec (ARec arr) (I# ix#) =
case indexSmallArray# arr ix# of
(# v #) -> unsafeCoerce v
{-# INLINE unsafeIxARec #-}

-- | Given that @xs@ and @ys@ have the same length, and mapping
-- @f@ over @xs@ and @g@ over @ys@ produces lists whose elements
-- are pairwise 'Coercible', @ARec f xs@ and @ARec g ys@ are
-- 'Coercible'.
arecRepsMatchCoercion :: AllRepsMatch f xs g ys => Coercion (ARec f xs) (ARec g ys)
arecRepsMatchCoercion = Coercion
arecRepsMatchCoercion = unsafeCoerce (Coercion :: Coercion () ())

-- | Given that @forall x. Coercible (f x) (g x)@, produce a coercion from
-- @ARec f xs@ to @ARec g xs@. While the constraint looks a lot like
Expand All @@ -69,7 +101,7 @@ arecRepsMatchCoercion = Coercion
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
arecConsMatchCoercion ::
(forall (x :: k). Coercible (f x) (g x)) => Coercion (ARec f xs) (ARec g xs)
arecConsMatchCoercion = Coercion
arecConsMatchCoercion = unsafeCoerce (Coercion :: Coercion () ())
arecConsMatchCoercion :: forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]).
Forall (Similar f g) => Coercion (Rec f xs) (Rec g xs)
Expand All @@ -78,6 +110,28 @@ arecConsMatchCoercion :: forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]).
arecConsMatchCoercion = unsafeCoerce (Coercion :: Coercion (Rec f xs) (Rec f xs))

-- Using a class instead of a recursive function allows aRecValues to be
-- completely inlined
class ToARec (us :: [k]) where
aRecValues :: Rec f us -> ARecBuilder f us

instance ToARec '[] where
aRecValues RNil = arnil
{-# INLINE aRecValues #-}

instance ToARec us => ToARec (u ': us) where
aRecValues (x :& xs) = x &: aRecValues xs
{-# INLINE aRecValues #-}

-- | Convert a 'Rec' into an 'ARec' for constant-time field access.
:: forall f ts.
(NatToInt (RLength ts), ToARec ts)
=> Rec f ts
-> ARec f ts
toARec rs = arec (aRecValues rs)
{-# INLINE toARec #-}

-- This is sensible, but the ergonomics are likely quite bad thanks to the
-- interaction between Coercible resolution and resolution in the presence of
Expand All @@ -89,14 +143,74 @@ arecConsMatchCoercible :: forall k f g rep (r :: TYPE rep).
arecConsMatchCoercible f = f

-- | Convert a 'Rec' into an 'ARec' for constant-time field access.
toARec :: forall f ts. (NatToInt (RLength ts)) => Rec f ts -> ARec f ts
toARec = go id
where go :: ([Any] -> [Any]) -> Rec f ts' -> ARec f ts
go acc RNil = ARec $! Array.listArray (0, n - 1) (acc [])
go acc (x :& xs) = go (acc . (unsafeCoerce x :)) xs
n = natToInt @(RLength ts)
{-# INLINE toARec #-}
-- | An efficient builder for ARec values
-- Use the pseudo-constructors '(&:)' and 'arnil' to construct an
-- 'ARecBuilder' and then turn it into an 'ARec' with 'arec'
-- Example: (requires -XOverloadedLabels and )
-- > user :: ARec ElField '[ "name" ::: String
-- > , "age" ::: Int
-- > , "active" ::: Bool]
-- > user = arec ( #name =: "Peter"
-- > &: #age =: 4
-- > &: #active =: True
-- > &: arnil
-- > )
newtype ARecBuilder f us =
-- A function that writes values to the correct position in the underlying array
-- Takes the current index
ARecBuilder ( forall s.
Int -- Index to write to
-> SmallMutableArray# s Any -- Arrray to write to
-> ST s ()

infixr 1 &:
-- | Pseudo-constructor for an ARecBuilder
-- "Cons" a field to an ARec under construction
-- See 'ARecBuilder'
(&:) :: f u -> ARecBuilder f us -> ARecBuilder f ( u ': us )
(&:) !v (ARecBuilder fvs) = ARecBuilder $ \i@(I# ix) mArr ->
let setRemainingFields = fvs (i+1)
in do
ST $ \st0 -> case writeSmallArray# mArr ix (unsafeCoerce v) st0 of
st1 -> (# st1, () #)
setRemainingFields mArr
{-# INLINE (&:) #-}

-- | Pseudo-constructor for 'ARecBuilder'
-- Build an ARec without fields
-- See 'ARecBuilder'
arnil :: ARecBuilder f '[]
arnil = ARecBuilder $ \_i _arr -> return ()
{-# INLINE arnil #-}

-- | Turn an ARecBuilder into an ARec
-- See 'ARecBuilder'
:: forall k (us :: [k] ) f
. (NatToInt (RLength us)) =>
ARecBuilder f us
-> ARec f us
arec (ARecBuilder fillArray) =
let !(I# len#) = natToInt @(RLength us)
in runST $
ST $ \st0 -> case newSmallArray# len# undefined st0 of
(# st1 , mArr #) ->
case fillArray 0 mArr of
ST s ->
case s st1 of
(# st2, () #) ->
case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, filledArray #) -> (# st3, ARec filledArray #)
{-# INLINE arec #-}

-- | Defines a constraint that lets us index into an 'ARec' in order
-- to produce a 'Rec' using 'fromARec'.
Expand All @@ -107,22 +221,28 @@ instance (NatToInt (RIndex t ts)) => IndexableField ts t where
fromARec :: forall f ts.
(RecApplicative ts, RPureConstrained (IndexableField ts) ts)
=> ARec f ts -> Rec f ts
fromARec (ARec arr) = rpureConstrained @(IndexableField ts) aux
fromARec arec = rpureConstrained @(IndexableField ts) aux
where aux :: forall t. NatToInt (RIndex t ts) => f t
aux = unsafeCoerce (arr Array.! natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
aux = unsafeIxARec arec (natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
{-# INLINE fromARec #-}

-- | Get a field from an 'ARec'.
aget :: forall t f ts. (NatToInt (RIndex t ts)) => ARec f ts -> f t
aget (ARec arr) =
unsafeCoerce (BArray.unsafeAt arr (natToInt @(RIndex t ts)))
aget arec = unsafeIxARec arec (natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
{-# INLINE aget #-}

-- | Set a field in an 'ARec'.
unsafeAput :: forall t t' f ts ts'. (NatToInt (RIndex t ts))
=> f t' -> ARec f ts -> ARec f ts'
unsafeAput x (ARec arr) = ARec (arr Array.// [(i, unsafeCoerce x)])
where i = natToInt @(RIndex t ts)
unsafeAput x (ARec arr) =
let !(I# z#) = 0
!(I# n#) = natToInt @(RIndex t ts)
in runST $ ST $ \st0 ->
case thawSmallArray# arr z# (sizeofSmallArray# arr) st0 of
(# st1, mArr #) ->
case writeSmallArray# mArr n# (unsafeCoerce x) st1 of
st2 -> case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, arr' #) -> (# st3, ARec arr' #)
{-# INLINE unsafeAput #-}

-- | Define a lens for a field of an 'ARec'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,19 +277,40 @@ instance (RIndex t (s ': ts) ~ 'S i, NatToInt i, RecElem ARec t t' ts ts' i)
arecGetSubset :: forall rs ss f.
(IndexWitnesses (RImage rs ss), NatToInt (RLength rs))
=> ARec f ss -> ARec f rs
arecGetSubset (ARec arr) = ARec (Array.listArray (0, n-1) $
go (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)))
where go :: [Int] -> [Any]
go = map (arr Array.!)
n = natToInt @(RLength rs)
arecGetSubset (ARec arr) = runST $ ST $ \st0 ->
case newSmallArray# n# undefined st0 of
(# st1 , mArr #) ->
case go mArr 0 st1 (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)) of
st2 ->
case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, filledArray #) -> (# st3, ARec filledArray #)
where go :: forall s. SmallMutableArray# s Any -> Int -> State# s -> [Int] -> State# s
go _mArr _i stn [] = stn
go mArr to@(I# to#) stn (I# from# : is) =
case indexSmallArray# arr from# of
(# v #) -> case writeSmallArray# mArr to# v stn of
stn' -> go mArr (to+1) stn' is
!(I# n#) = natToInt @(RLength rs)
{-# INLINE arecGetSubset #-}

-- | Set a subset of a larger record's fields to all of the fields of
-- a smaller record.
arecSetSubset :: forall rs ss f. (IndexWitnesses (RImage rs ss))
=> ARec f ss -> ARec f rs -> ARec f ss
arecSetSubset (ARec arrBig) (ARec arrSmall) = ARec (arrBig Array.// updates)
where updates = zip (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)) (Array.elems arrSmall)
arecSetSubset (ARec arrBig) arecSmall =
runST $ ST $ \st0 ->
case thawSmallArray# arrBig z# (sizeofSmallArray# arrBig) st0 of
(# st1, mArr #) -> case go mArr 0 (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)) st1 of
st2 -> case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, arr' #) -> (# st3, ARec arr' #)
!(I# z#) = 0
go :: SmallMutableArray# s Any -> Int -> [Int] -> State# s -> State# s
go _mArr _ [] stn = stn
go mArr n (I# i# : is) stn =
case writeSmallArray# mArr i# (unsafeIxARec arecSmall n) stn of
stn' -> go mArr (n+1) is stn'

{-# INLINE arecSetSubset #-}

instance (is ~ RImage rs ss, IndexWitnesses is, NatToInt (RLength rs))
Expand Down

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