This library is NOT ready for use, please wait for 0.1.0 release.
Traders often need to quickly visualize their data without investing time in learning new tools. For example, plotting an orderbook should be as simple as writing a single line of code.
We created a high-level plotting library that combines the best features from existing plotting and dashboarding libraries into an easy-to-use interface.
PFund-Plot is a super high-level, out-of-the-box, domain-specific plotting library designed for traders that supports financial data visualization, dashboard creation, and template sharing.
- Multi-Display Mode: support displaying plots in a Jupyter notebook, Marimo notebook, browser and desktop window
- Streaming Data: support streaming data in real-time by just setting
- DataFrame Agnostic: support pandas, polars, and dask
- Big Data Plotting: support plotting large datasets
- Financial Plots: plot financial data by just one function call, e.g. candlestick, orderbook, trades etc.
- Combine multiple plots into a dashboard quickly for visualization
pip install pfund-plot
import pfeed as pe
import pfund_plot as plt
feed = pe.YahooFinanceFeed()
df = feed.get_historical_data(product='AAPL_USD_STK', resolution='1d', rollback_period='1y')
fig = plt.ohlc(df, display_mode='browser', streaming=False)