- Badging machine code : https://github.com/OrifInformatique/Timbreuse
- Web application code : https://github.com/OrifInformatique/timbreuse-srv
This projects consists in one or several badging machines constructed with a Raspberry, a RFID badge sensor and a touchscreen all in a box. The application on these machines is written in Pyhton and their datas are sychronized with a central web application developed in PHP with the CodeIgniter 4 framework. The web application lets users see and modify theirs badging datas. They can also indicate their absence or vacation dates.
For the web application only
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- PHP 8.0 or newer
- Composer
- An empty database
After cloning this git repository, make a copy of the "env_dist" file and rename it to ".env". Adjust the content of this file to match your development environment.
Get the required packages with a composer command :
composer install
Generate the database structure with spark :
php spark migrate --all
You should be able to run the application and login with admin => admin1234.
We provide a partial PHPUnit test set wich can be run with this command :
Use the last release to deploy the project and follow the same steps on your production environment as described for a development environment.
- CodeIgniter - PHP framework
- Bootstrap - To simplify views design
- Orif, domaine informatique - Initiating and following the project - GitHub account
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details