This Django application loads a nasa planetary systems dataset in csv format taken from NASA’s Exoplanet Archive into a MySQL database. Notice that I added three columns related to the Star name when downloading the csv file from NASA’s Exoplanet Archive. The csv file is provided in this repository, the file name is: PS_2021.01.08_12.13.30.csv
- First create a MySQL database named "planetary_systems"
- To connect the Django application with the MySQL database, go to the file, which is located in the directory nasa_datasetcsv_django_mysql/nasa_datasetcsv_django_mysql and in DATABASES dictionary, configurate the cretentials, host and so on.
- Create a virtual enviroment for the django dependencies Link official documentation
- Activate the enviroment and go to the backend_django folder and install the Django dependencies with the following command using the requirements.txt file which has the dependencies
- To create the tables on the database, on the nasa_datasetcsv_django_mysql folder run the following commands (python or python3 depends on your configuration when the enviroment variable on the system was set up)
- To load the csv dataset into the MySQL database, go to the nasa_datasetcsv_django_mysql folder and run
- Go to the nasa_datasetcsv_django_mysql folder and run