Welcome to the Wanderblog project! This repository contains the source code for a fully functional blog website built using modern web development technologies.
- Create, edit, and delete blog posts
- User authentication (login, registration)
- Commenting on posts
- Responsive design
- Markdown support for writing posts
- Search functionality
- Pagination for blog posts
- MERN Stack
- Tailwind CSS
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to the backend directory using cd backend
- Install dependencies using npm install or npm i
- Create a .env file and add the necessary environment variables from .env.example
- Start the server using npm run dev
- Then, after backend setup, open a new terminal
- Navigate to the frontend directory using cd frontend
- Install dependencies using npm install or npm i
- Create a .env file and add the necessary environment variables from .env.example (remove (url) part)
- Start the server using npm run dev