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MetaID is an entity protocol based on Microvision Chain and MetaID DID protocol. Developers can use MetaID to create their own entity resource.


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What is this?

The MetaID SDK provides a set of standard specifications and method tools for generating and processing underlying blockchain data that follows the MetaID protocol (specifically referring to chains that comply with the UTXO standard, currently supporting the BTC chain).

Core Concepts

The MetaID SDK has two core concepts: connector and entity.
Connectors are used for the authentication and management of identity information, serving as the foundation for users to publish data on the blockchain.
"Entity" is a term used in the application layer. It is used to manage resources of a specific data type. From a programming perspective, when you create a new entity instance, you can access its properties and use a series of executable methods provided for data storage and modification on the chain. You can understand each type of Entity as corresponding to the PATH part in the MetaID Specification.


Currently, we only recommend installing the SDK using yarn.

yarn add @metaid/metaid

Quick Example(Send a buzz)

Warning:The API examples listed below are still under development. Use with caution.

Step 1 - Connect to wallet

import { btcConnect } from '@metaid/metaid'
const _wallet = await MetaletWalletForBtc.create()
const _network = (await window.metaidwallet.getNetwork()).network
const _btcConnector = await btcConnect({
  wallet: _wallet,

Note: you can connect an empty object. At this point, you can only use entity to retrieve data from blockchain but cannot store data.

Step 2 - Use entity to interact with blockchain

// create a buzz enity with connector's use method
const buzzEntity = await _btcConnector.use('buzz')

Step 3 - Use entity's create method to inscribe buzz data

// create
const finalBody = { content: 'Hello World' }
const createRes:createRes = await buzzEntity.create({
  options: [{ body: JSON.stringify(finalBody) }],
  noBroadcast: 'no',
  feeRate: selectFeeRate?.number,

// type of CreateRes
type CreateRes: {
    commitTxId: string;
    revealTxIds: string[];
    commitCost: string;
    revealCost: string;
    status?: string | undefined;

Some more complex use cases

Example A - Create a buzz with attachments

Step 1 - define a new file entity schema

const fileSchema = {
  name: 'file',
  nodeName: 'metafile',
  encoding: 'binary',
  versions: [
      version: '1.0.1',
      body: '',

Step 2 - We can generate PINID based on this schema. It is worth noting that you need to transform binary image data to hex format with Buffer.from method

type CreateOptions = {
  body?: string | Buffer | undefined
  contentType?: string | undefined
  encryption?: '0' | '1' | '2' | undefined
  version?: string | undefined
  encoding?: BufferEncoding | undefined
const finalBody = { content: 'Hello World' }
if (!isEmpty(buzz.images)) {
  const fileOptions: CreateOptions[] = []

  const fileEntity = await btcConnector!.use('file')

  for (const image of buzz.images) {
      body: Buffer.from(, 'hex').toString('base64'),
      contentType: 'image/jpeg;binary',
      encoding: 'base64',
  const imageRes = await fileEntity.create({
    options: fileOptions,
    noBroadcast: 'no',
    feeRate: selectFeeRate?.number,

  console.log('imageRes', imageRes)
  finalBody.attachments = => 'metafile://' + rid + 'i0')
await sleep(5000)

console.log('finalBody', finalBody)

Step 3 - We can create a buzz with three image attachments

const createRes = await buzzEntity.create({
  options: [{ body: JSON.stringify(finalBody) }],
  noBroadcast: 'no',
  feeRate: selectFeeRate?.number,

Example B -Give a like to a buzz

Step 1 - We need a new Like entity, base on its metaprocol definition, we have the following like entity schema definition

const likeSchema = {
  name: 'like',
  nodeName: 'PayLike',
  versions: [
      version: 1,
      body: [
          name: 'likeTo',
          type: 'string',
          name: 'isLike',
          type: 'string',

Step2 - Based on a logged-in MetaID account, you can like any buzz by calling this likeHandler.create method.The corresponding code is quite simple

const likeEntity = await btcConnector.use('like')

const likeRes = await likeEntity.create({
  options: [
      body: JSON.stringify({ isLike: '1', likeTo: pinId }),
  noBroadcast: 'no',
  feeRate: Number(globalFeeRate),

API Reference


Can have multiple wallet implementations as long as it implements the Wallet interface.

First, we need to build a wallet object based on the current logged-in wallet account.Then we can access the public properties of the wallet object and a series of methods provided by the wallet object (assuming the wallet is connected, otherwise return {status: 'not-connected'})

Create a new wallet object

import { MetaletWalletForBtc } from '@metaid/metaid'
// use static method `create` to create a wallet instance
const _wallet = await MetaletWalletForBtc.create()

get address(public property)

const address = _wallet.address

get public key(public property)

const pubicKey =

get wallet balance(method)

await _wallet.getBalance()

params: none
return: {total: number, confirmed: number, unconfirmed: number}

send sign message(method)

await _wallet.signMessage(message)

Sign the input psbtHex(method)

await _wallet.signPsbt({
}: {
  psbtHex: string
  options?: { toSignInputs?: ToSignInput[]; autoFinalized: boolean }


export type Operation = 'init' | 'create' | 'modify' | 'revoke'
export type Encryption = '0' | '1' | '2'
export type MetaidData = {
  operation: Operation
  body?: string | Buffer
  path?: string
  contentType?: string
  encryption?: '0' | '1' | '2'
  version?: string
  encoding?: BufferEncoding
  revealAddr: string

export type InscriptionRequest = {
    feeRate: number;
    metaidDataList: MetaidData[];
    revealOutValue: number;
    changeAddress: string;
    minChangeValue?: number;
await _wallet.insrcibe({data, options} : \
  { data: InscriptionRequest, options: {noBroadcast : boolean })
Description of return type

The insrcibe method returns different transaction data formats based on whether the parameters are broadcast or not, specifically:

When noBrobroadcast is set to no, the return format is

   commitTxHex: string;
   revealTxsHex: string[];
   commitCost: string;
   revealCost: string;

When noBrobroadcast is set to yes, i.e. not broadcasting transactions, the return format is:

  commitTxId: string;
  revealTxIds: string[];
  commitCost: string;
  revealCost: string;

In case of non-broadcast transactions, the transaction result is returned in the form of txHex; otherwise, the transaction result is returned in the form of txid. The sum of commitCost and revealCost is the estimated fee required for the current transaction to be engraved.

Warining: This is the underlying engraving API method. It is not recommended to call it directly unless you have very customized engraving requirements.


A connector is the bridge between your wallet and the entity.

Create a new connector based on the wallet object

type BtcNetwork = "testnet" | "regtest" | "livenet"
import { IMetaletWalletForBtc, IBtcConnector, btcConnect } from "@metaid/metaid";
const _btcConnector:IMetaletWalletForBtc = await btcConnect({ wallet, network }: { wallet?: IMetaletWalletForBtc; network: BtcNetwork });

get MetaID(public property)

const metaid = _btcConnector.metaid

get UserInfo(public property)

export type UserInfo = {
  number: number
  rootTxId: string
  name: string
  nameId: string
  address: string
  avatar: string | null
  avatarId: string
  bio: string
  bioId: string
  soulbondToken: string
  unconfirmed: string
  isInit: boolean
  metaid: string
const user: UserInfo = _btcConnecto.user

connector inscrble method

type Operation = 'init' | 'create' | 'modify'
type InscribeOptions= {
  operation: Operation
  body?: string | Buffer
  path?: string
  contentType?: string
  encryption?: '0' | '1' | '2'
  version?: string
  encoding?: BufferEncoding
await _btcConnector.inscribe(inscribeOptions: InscribeOptions[], noBroadcast: 'yes' | 'no')

The return type of this method is the same as the return type of the wallet's inscribe method.

Create userinfo, the parameter avatar is a native File type in JavaScript, which is processed in chunks as a Buffer and then converted to a base64 string

const isSuccess:boolean = await _btcConnector.createUserInfo(body:
{ name?: string; network?:BtcNetwork, avatar?: string })

Obtain user information associated with MetaID

const user = await _btcConnector.getUser({ network, currentAddress }: { network: BtcNetwork; currentAddress?: string })

Update MetaID associated user information

const isUpdateSuccess =  await _btcConnector.updateUserInfo(body: { name: string; bio?: string; avatar?: string })

Check the current connector status (whether the wallet is connected)

const isConnected = await _btcConnector.isConnectoed()

Disconnect current wallet connection

await _btcConnector.disconnect()

Create an Entity object, which serves as a bridge between the Connector layer and the Entity layer

// example:create buzz Enitity
await _btcConnector.use(entitySymbol: string)

Return the entity object, as detailed below.


An entity is a controller class to operate on a specific resource.Once a class entity is created through a connector, you can access a series of properties and methods provided by that class entity.

Currently, the MetaID SDK provides common basic entity calls based on the on-chain Weibo example application, including buzzEntity, fileEntity, likeEntity. If developers have their own customization requirements, they can create their own data protocol on the MetaProtocols official website, and the MetaID SDK will automatically create relevant entities for that protocol.

In the following, we take creating buzzEntity as an example

Create buzzEntity entity through connector

const buzzEntity = await _btcConnector.use('buzz')

Get all buzz sent by the current connector connected account in paginated form

const allBuzz = await buzzEntity.list({ page, limit, network }: { page: number; limit: number; network?: BtcNetwork })

Get the details data of a Pin based on pinId

const pid = 'XXXXXXXXX'
const pinDetail = await{ pid, network }: { pid: string; network: BtcNetwork })

Count the total number of Pins already posted under the current entity (buzzEntity)

const pinTotal = await{ network }: { network?: BtcNetwork })

Create a buzz

type CreateOptions = {
    body?: string | Buffer;
    contentType?: string;
    encryption?: "0" | "1" | "2";
    version?: string;
    encoding?: BufferEncoding;

 const createRes = await buzzEntity.create({
  }: {
    options: CreateOptions[]
    noBroadcast: 'yes' | 'no'

The return type of this method is the same as the return type of the wallet's inscribe method


A resource is a data object that represents a specific entity.

entity.list() returns an array of resources. returns a single resource.

type Resource = {
  txid: string
  createdAt: timestamp
  body: Record<string, any>
  // We wrap the resource's owner info in a `user` object.
  user: {
    metaid: string
    name: string
    avatar: string


MetaID is an entity protocol based on Microvision Chain and MetaID DID protocol. Developers can use MetaID to create their own entity resource.







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