An app that allows users to browse dog breeds loaded from remote API and cached in the local Room database. Made with Android Jetpack and Views.
The application is based on data downloaded from remote API with Retrofit. In case of poor Internet connection or no connection at all data from the API is cached in the local Room database. Users can browse dog breed details and send them via SMS.
- Java version - 17
- Compile SDK - 34
- Minimum SDK - 26
In order to try the app just clone the repository and build the project with Android Studio.
Used technology and programming techniques
Android SDK
Android Views
View binding
Data binding
MVVM pattern
Dependency Injection with Hilt
Coil (for image loading)
Kotlin flows
Room database
SMS Manager
API used in this app. The idea for the app is based on the Udemy course. I made several modifications to the application architecture, making it cleaner.