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Documentation for Developers

Joachim Schmitz edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 11 revisions


  1. Optional settings and components
  2. Links to learning materials
  3. Tips & Tricks

1. Optional Settings and Components

1.1 Using Qt Designer to Edit .ui Items

  • Qt Designer can be used in standalone mode or via Qt Creator to edit .ui items seen in the solution.
  • To use standalone, simply open Qt Designer from the Windows start menu or via right-click on a .ui file and select "Open with".
  • To integrate Qt Creator into Visual Studio
    • Right-click a .ui item in Visual Studio and select Open With...
    • Select Add then enter the path of your Qt Designer bin folder
    • Select Set as Default then press OK
    • .ui items will now open in Qt Designer from within Visual Studio


2. Links to Learning Materials

2.1 GitHub

2.2 CMake

2.3 MuseScore

2.4 Microsoft Visual Studio

3. Tips & Tricks

3.1 Changing options in CMakeList.txt

Changing options in CMakeList.txt requires a re-build of the CMake cache.

  • In Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, from the Project menu select Delete Cache and Reconfigure.

See Disabling CMake option has no effect for more details.