Just-Want-PDF is a package to help you to get PDF in node.js envrionment.
Takes in many files, marge them, and output a single PDF result
Demo Here
Byte Array
or Blob Object
or File Object
install package
npm i just-want-pdf
import to your project
import converter from "just-want-pdf";
import converter from "just-want-pdf";
var fileList = [File1, File2, File3...];
to byte array
const result = converter.toByte(fileList)
to blob
const result = converter.toBlob(fileList)
to File
const result = converter.toFile(fileList)
for display in iframe
var result = convert.toBlob(fileList);
const url =URL.createObjectURL(result);
//use iframe to display url
<iFrame src = {url} />