In this Data Analysis/Machine Learning project I play with the New York Taxi dataset.
There is a streamlit app to test the model and predict outputs. It can be started using
streamlit run
Predict the average money spent on taxi rides for each region of New York per given day and hour.
This problem is a Supervised Regression problem.
- Supervised: We have the actual values that we are trying to predict (in the train dataset)
- Regression: We are trying to predict a continuous value (as opossed to categorical)
This project uses the TLC Trip Record Data
dataset from
(The NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission aka TLC).
The public dataset is available for download at
The dataset contains a total of 3833771 records and 19 columns.
(3833771, 19)
They use parquet
data format for increased efficiency. See Apache Parquet documentation for more details.
Relavent supporting data can be found on the same page as for the dataset download
Here is the histogram of the raw data read from the data/yellow_tripdata_2024-10.parquet
It is clear that the dataset contains various illegal values, such as dates earlier than Oct 2024, despite being a Oct 2024 dataset.
Also, passenger_count
is 0 for some records, which seems to be nonsense at first.
A few trips have distances over 50,000 miles which is just ridiculous.
And the most interesting part, total_amount
is 0 and even negative in some records.
This calls for Data Cleaning and Preprocessing, and it requires a bit of domain knowledge.
By looking at the Meaning of Column names
document linked above, we see that there is a column called payment_type
A numeric code signifying how the passenger paid for the trip.
1= Credit card
2= Cash
3= No charge
4= Dispute
5= Unknown
6= Voided trip
So there are some rides with disputes and voided trips and even no charge. This justifies 0 and -ve total_amount
s it seems.
By looking at the number of records having a -ve total_amount
print(taxi_data[taxi_data["total_amount"] < 0].shape)
(61426, 9)
We see that it is a mere 61k compared to 3 Million records we have. We explore the data a bit more and find out that most of the -ve
are from payment_type
3 and 4. Hence we simply drop those records.
But what about very high values, like someone paid $2000 for a taxi trip! Again by analyzing the data, only 1350 records have payments above $250, so we drop them
Only 22 records have trip_distance
> 100 miles (that's a lot for taxi). We drop them.
It is very important to not have outliers and false values in the dataset, as it can confuse the model later. This is why we always collect as much data as we can since real life data will always have "noise" like this
Datasets may also contain missing values. There are cetain approaches to handle those values. We can fill them in with averages, interpolate existing values, or simply drop them if count is negligible, which is for out case.
Next, we convert the columns to appropriate types such as datetime
, float64
, int32/64
, boolean
or object
as suitable for better training results.
It is useful to have day
, month
and hour
columns instead of one datetime
column, since it yields more features.
Data aggregation is an important step to reduce the number of data points wherever meaningful to provide more information.
Before actually spinning up a ML model training process, we might want to first benchmark out data by making a benchmark model. This helps us to pre-identify overfitting, underfitting and other unfavorable scenarios.
Features for benchmarking
categorical_features_benchmark = [
# do NOT include trip_distance here, since it directly coorelates with total_amount, and that's cheating actually!
input_features_benchmark = categorical_features_benchmark
target_feature_benchmark = "total_amount"
Note that we don't have trip_distance
as out input features, since it directly co-relates with total_amount
, the output.
It will act as a cheat for the model and overfit it.
We one-hot encode the input data points.
Then we split the dataset into X_test, X_train, y_test and y_train, and fit a DecisionTreeRegressor
on the cleaned dataset.
The results were as follows
mean absolute error 12.616090392101823
mean squared error 357.68911713379254
root mean squared error 18.91267080911082
r2 0.2347719420857315
As we can see it actually performed quite well on the benchmark model, but not too good. Hence we need to actually introduce some new features to the dataset.
We add new features to the dataset such as weekday
, weekend
and is_holiday
to help the model draw more info from the data points.
This helps the model to understand the date values much more.
Feature engineering is cruicial since it requires real world knowlegde about the domain to introduce new and meaningful features to the dataset.
Here, the weekday or whether the day was a weekend or a holiday will affect out result to a high degree since people tend to go out on holidays
or office workers won't take a morning taxi on weekdays.
We can use the USFederalHolidayCalendar
to automatically insert the column into out dataset.
We can add more features to the dataset in a similar way.
Now we actually begin to train out model.
Final Features for training.
categorical_features = [
input_features = categorical_features
target_feature = "total_amount"
Final training results (models used, mean absolute error, root mean square error and r2 scores) are tabulated below"
Algorithm | MAE | RMSE | R2 |
Benchmark Model | 12.61 | 18.90 | 0.23 |
Decision Tree | 10.78 | 17.64 | 0.36 |
Random Forest | 9.82 | 17.04 | 0.40 |
Hist Gradient Boosting | 9.62 | 15.95 | 0.47 |
We can iterate over on any of the steps again to improve the model, but this is a good checkpoint. So we save the currenly best performing model to use it in other applications.
with open("taxi_regression_model.pkl", "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(model_at_hand, file)
Further steps include fine tuning the model by finding the best hyperparameters, which I may do at some point.
This problem can be turned into a whole new classification problem.
Classify the earnings of taxi drivers for each ride for each region of New York per given day and hour.
Classification into
- Low (< $25)
- High (>= $25)
This problem is a Supervised Classification problem.
- Supervised: We have the actual values that we are trying to predict (in the train dataset)
- Classification: We are trying to predict a discrete value (0 or 1)
We can simply add a new feature called earning_class
containing 0 or 1 if total_amount
is < 25 or >= 25.
nyc_class["earning_class"] = data_with_new_features["total_amount"].apply(lambda x: "low" if x <= 25 else "high")
nyc_class["earning_class_binary"] = nyc_class["earning_class"].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == "low" else 1)
We used the total_amount
histogram for finding the appropriate split point.
$25 results in a very even split
high 45671
low 34165
Name: count, dtype: int64
Now we train a classification model on these features, such as RandomForestClassifier
categorical_features = [
input_features = categorical_features
target_feature = "earning_class_binary"
This results in an overall nice score
[[ 7600 3717]
[ 3313 11716]]
accuracy 0.7331663250588325
precision 0.759152465496015
recall 0.7795595182646883
and finally we save the model for later use
with open("taxi_classification_model.pkl", "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(clf, file)