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GSA Release Managment sample deployment structure utilizing Apache Ant and the Migration Tool.

This structure can be used as a base for your Salesforce deployments to quickly deploy metadata to your Salesforce org.

Getting Started

#System Requirements

  1. Apache Ant - See Installing Apache Ant for details.
  2. Migration Tool - See Installing the Migration Tool for details.
  3. After completing installations, you should have ant-salesforce.jar included in your Ant libraries.


  • removecodepkg - Sample structure for deleting files from a Salesforce org. Includes an empty package.xml and a destructiveChanges.xml that lists the files to be deleted.
  • static - A static file is created and uploaded to the folder which contains metadata that will be retrieved for each deployment. In case of a package with only permissionsets the ‘retrieveunpackaged’target will just retrieve the <userpermission> as it is missing the supporting metadata while retrieving from the target org. Static package will ensure all the metadata components are included for a successful permissionset retrieve.
  • src - Sample struture for deploying files to Salesforce Org. Inludes pckage.xml and components that are mentioned in the package.xml
  • - Ant properties file for individual configurations (e.g. usernames and passwords/sessionId).
  • build.xml - Ant build file with shorthand targets to use the Migration Tool targets.

#Configurables List of configurable build properties from

  • sf.username - Username for the org you will be deploying to / retrieving from.
  • sf.password - Password + security token for the user you wish to login as for deploying/retrieving metadata.
  • sf.sessionId - Salesforce session Id for the user you wish to login as for deploying/retrieving metadata. Session Id can be retrieved by using this command in the Devconsole : System.debug('The Session ID is ' + UserInfo.getSessionId());
  • sf.serverurl - Login url for your Salesforce org type. Prod/dev use, sandboxes use
  • sf.deployRoot - The directory containing the metadata to be deployed to your Salesforce org.


Use CL or Git Bash and Run ant [target] from the deployment directory.


Shorthand targets included in the build file.


This is a global target build to call out multiple short hand targets within the build.xml file. This target calls following targets retrieveunpackaged retrieveunpackagedstatic deployCodeVerify deployCode


<target name="deploy">
          <echo>Retrieving backup using the package.xml in "src"</echo>
                  <antcall target="retrieveUnpackaged" />
	  <echo>Retrieving backup using the static/package.xml</echo>
                  <antcall target="retrieveUnpackagedStatic" />
	  <echo>Performing code verification to the target sandbox</echo>
		  <antcall target="deployCodeVerify" />
	  <echo>Performing code Deployment to the target sandbox</echo>	
		  <antcall target="deployCode" />


retrieve and unpackaged set of metadata from your org.


Retrieve an unpackaged set of metadata from your org. The file static/package.xml lists what is to be retrieved.


Validate the contents of the /src directory, running the tests for specified classes.


Deploy the contents of the /src directory, running the tests for specified classes.


Remove/Undeploy metadata specified in a destructiveChanges.xml file.